Menus (v7/v8.0+)
General note: the layout of menu and program toolbars varies occasionally between the two OSs. Dialogs for both OS are only shown where the differences warrant comment or might cause confusion.
This menu is only found in the Mac OS client.

- About.... [Mac OS only] This calls the Mac client's About dialog (on the Help menu in the Windows client).
- Preferences.... [Mac OS only] This calls the client's Preferences dialog (on the Edit menu in the Windows client).
- Services. [Mac OS only] A standard OS inclusion but no services are currently supported - so ignore this entry!
- Hide Portfolio. [Mac OS only] Hides the Portfolio application windows
- Hide Others. [Mac OS only] Hides all the windows open except the Portfolio application windows
- Show All. [Mac OS only] Shows all hidden windows
- Quit Portfolio. [Mac OS only] This closes Portfolio; the Windows OS command is on the File menu.

- New Catalog.... This opens a dialog allowing you choose the location and name of a new Portfolio Catalogue (FDB) file; in v8.5+ you are then shown the "FAQ00396.htm">Catalog Types dialog. Files can be opened on any media, local or LAN, including on mixed OS networks. This allows Mac and Windows users to share Catalogues. Also see the manual page 14.
- Open Catalog.... This opens a dialog allowing you to select and open an existing Portfolio Catalogue (FDB) file. Do not use this method to open files that are being served by Portfolio Server. Also see the manual page 15.
- Open Recent Catalog. [Mac OS only] The names of up to four (maximum) Catalogues most recently used are shown in a pop-out menu. The names are stored per user, where there are multiple users of the computer. Click on an entry to open that Catalogue. This list is also on the context (Ctrl+click) menu of the Portfolio app's Dock icon. To see a full list of the currently open catalogues, see the Catalogs palette.
- Connect to Servers. This opens the Connect to Servers dialog allowing you to open Catalogues currently being served by known Portfolio servers. Also see the manual page 18
- Administer Servers. This calls the Administer Servers dialog which has the option to allow the user to administer Portfolio Servers. Assuming TCP/IP access and suitable permissions this allows (remote) administration of Portfolio Server applications from any Mac or Windows Portfolio client. See the Server manual page 5.
- Export to Text File. This calls the Export Text File dialog. Note the (Mac) option of exporting 'pnot' data has been removed.
- Import Field Values. This calls the Import Field Values dialog. (v8.5.1+)
- Save Catalog Type. This calls the Save Catalog Type dialog.
- Close. This closes the current Catalogue. Note the location on the menu differs slightly between Mac and Windows. Use 'Exit' below to close Portfolio itself.
- Page Setup. This calls the normal OS Page Setup dialog.
- Print. This calls the Portfolio Print dialog.
- Recently used file list. [Windows OS only] The names of up to four (maximum) Catalogues most recently used (MRU) are shown here. The names are stored per user, where there are multiple users of the computer. Click on an entry to open that Catalogue. This list is only seen here in the Windows client. To see a full list of the currently open catalogues, see the Catalogs palette.
- Exit. [Windows OS only] This closes Portfolio; the Mac OS command is on the Portfolio menu. To close the current Catalogue, use the Close command described above.

- Undo [action name]. [Mac OS only] Undoes the last [named] edit.
- Redo [action name]. [Mac OS only] Re-does the last [named] edit.
- Cut. Cuts the current text/record(s) to the clipboard.
- Copy. Copies the current text/record(s) to the clipboard.
- Paste. Pastes the current text/record(s) from the clipboard.
- Deletes. [Mac OS only] Deletes the selected text.
- Select All. Selects all the current text/record(s in front gallery).
- Deselect All. [Mac OS only] Deselects all the current text/record(s in front gallery).
- Preferences. [Windows OS only] This open Portfolio's Preferences dialog. (Mac OS equivalent is on the Portfolio menu).
Find sub-menu (above)
[Mac OS only] This menu is located on the Catalog menu on the Windows OS.
- Find. This opens the Find dialog to allow the user to search for particular (sets of) records.
- Show All Items. The executes a Find that returns all items to the current Gallery, sorted on Record creation date.
- Missing Originals. The Find Missing Original command is a specialized search that verifies that there is still a valid path pointing to an original file for each item in your catalogue. If Portfolio can't find a file on disk corresponding with each Catalogue item, it lists the missing originals so that you can either update your Catalogue or delete the items.
- Document Text. Calls the Find Document Text dialog. The Find Document Text command allows you to find words or phrases within the text of catalogued documents, as opposed to in the item's Record, as with other Portfolio word searches. Currently, Portfolio only indexes the text found in plain text files and PDF documents.
- Placeholder Items. This executes a Find that returns all current placeholder records to the current Gallery.
- Partially Cataloged Items. [new to v8.0+]. Items where Portfolio has been unable to complete all thumbnailing/metadata extraction. Thumbnail views of such items have an orange-yellow dot superimposed bottom right of the thumbnail.
- Unreadable Items. [new to v8.0+]. Items where only the first pass of cataloguing has been completed. Thumbnail views of such items have a red dot superimposed bottom right of the thumbnail.

Spelling sub-menu
[Mac OS only] This menu is located on the Catalog menu on the Windows OS. The sub-menu is only available when the cursor is active in text fields.
- Spelling.... This opens the OS' spelling dialog.
- Check Spelling. The causes the text in the text box with current focus to be checked for spelling.
- Check Spelling as You Type. On/off toggle switch controlling whether Portfolio will use the OS's spell-check features to check your text as you type. The default value is 'ticked'.
- Special Characters....[Mac OS only]This opens the Mac OS Character Palette (below) allowing easy insertion of unusual characters into text.

- [Show/Hide] Folders. This toggles on/off the Folders 'drawer' pane at the side the Portfolio window which shows the status of FolderSync. Windows OS uses a tick for 'show', no tick for 'hide'. On Mac the folder drawer is created ion the left side if there is room or else at the right. In Windows the Folders pane is docked above or below (default) the Galleries pane on the left of the app window.
- [Show/Hide] Galleries. This toggles on/off the Galleries pane at the left of side the Portfolio gallery window (Mac) or app window (Windows). Windows OS uses a tick for 'show', no tick for 'hide'.
- [Show/Hide] Toolbar. This toggles on/off the toolbar that is normally displayed beneath the main menu. Windows OS uses a tick for 'show', no tick for 'hide'.
- Status Bar. [Windows OS only] This toggles on/off the status bar along the bottom of the Portfolio window. The status bar displays context sensitive help about the purpose of menu items, etc.
- Thumbnails. Selects the Thumbnail View for the active Gallery window.
- List. Selects the List View for the active Gallery window.
- Item. Selects the Item View for the active Gallery window. This was 'Record View' in earlier versions of Portfolio.
- Customize. This opens the Customize Gallery dialog.
- Customize Toolbar. This opens the Customize Toolbar dialog.
- Refresh. This refreshes and updates the current window.
- Slideshow. This opens a slideshow which will display all the currently selected Records in the current Gallery.
- Slideshow Settings. This opens the Slideshow Options dialog to allow alteration of slideshow settings.
- Always on Top. [Windows OS only] When set 'on' this keeps the Portfolio window on top of all other application windows regardless of whether Portfolio has focus.
- First Item. [Multiple Preview or Item Properties windows only] Selects the first item in the current selection.
- Next Item. [Multiple Preview or Item Properties windows only] Selects the next item in the current selection.
- Previous Item. [Multiple Preview or Item Properties windows only] Selects the previous item in the current selection.
- Last Item. [Multiple Preview or Item Properties windows only] Selects the last item in the current selection.
- Zoom In. [Multiple Preview windows only] Zooms in one increment.
- Zoom Out. [Multiple Preview windows only] Zooms out one increment.
- Actual Size. [Multiple Preview windows only] Zooms to actual size.
- Fit to Window. [Multiple Preview windows only] Zoom to fit image to current window.
Note the last eight menu items are greyed out in Mac OS when out of context but in Windows OS are omitted from the menu entirely. The last used of 'Actual Size' or 'Fit to Window' is remembered as the default when a preview window is next opened.

- Add Items.... This calls an OS 'file open' type dialog that allows the user to select files to be added to the current Catalogue.
- Find. This opens the Find dialog to allow the user to search for particular (sets of) records.
- Find All. [Windows OS only - this feature is not implemented on the Mac client's Edit -> Find sub-menu] The executes a Find that returns all Records to the current Gallery, sorted on Record creation date.
- Find Other This sub-menu is located on the Edit menu on the Mac OS.:
- Placeholder Items. This executes a Find that returns all current placeholder records to the current Gallery.
- Document Text. Calls the Find Document Text dialog. The Find Document Text command allows you to find words or phrases within the text of catalogued documents, as opposed to in the item's Record, as with other Portfolio word searches. Currently, Portfolio only indexes the text found in plain text files and PDF documents.
- Missing Originals. The Find Missing Originals command is a specialized search that verifies that there is still a valid path pointing to an original file for each item in your catalogue. If Portfolio can't find a file on disk corresponding with each Catalogue item, it lists the missing originals so that you can either update your Catalogue or delete the items.
- Duplicate Items. [Windows OS only - this feature is not implemented on the Mac client's Edit -> Find sub-menu] This finds all records with the same filename and displays them in a new Gallery.
- Partially Cataloged Items. [new to v8.0+]. Items where Portfolio has been unable to complete all thumbnailing/metadata extraction. Thumbnail views of such items have an orange-yellow dot superimposed bottom right of the thumbnail.
- Unreadable Items. [new to v8.0+]. Items where only the first pass of cataloguing has been completed. Thumbnail views of such items have a red dot superimposed bottom right of the thumbnail.
- Cataloging Options.... This opens the Cataloging Options dialog.
- Advanced Options.... This opens the Advanced Cataloging Options dialog.
- Background Cataloging.... This opens the Background Cataloging dialog.
- Metadata Settings.... This opens the Metadata Property Settings dialog.
- Access Level.... This opens the Catalog Access dialog.
- Administration.... This opens the Catalog Administration dialog.
- Custom Fields.... This opens the Custom Fields dialog.
- Properties.... This opens the Catalog Properties dialog.
- Create Placeholder.... This opens the Create Placeholder dialog.
- Open on Startup This on/off toggle sets the Catalogue to open whenever Portfolio opens. More than one Catalogue may be set to open at program start up. This setting is stored locally in the client and not in the catalogue.
- Recover.... This initiates a recovery process for damaged catalogues (see manual page 130). The method can also be used to compact catalogues after deleting large numbers of Records.
- FolderSync Scanning. This option disables/enables FolderSync folder list status checking while Portfolio is open (the default for new catalogues is 'on'). Turing this off can be beneficial for users who know their catalogue, folders, and files on disk are not changing frequently, to reduce network and disk access. Otherwise, when FolderSync Scanning is disabled, the folders will be available for use and function the same, but the status of the folder - whether the contents of the catalogue match the contents of the folder on disk - may not be accurate until scanning is turned back on and Portfolio completes its inspection of each folder for changes. The status of a folder is also 'manually' updated by performing a FolderSync - by selecting the folder and clicking the Sync button. If unsure, leave this 'on'!
- NetPublish... This opens the NetPublish Assistant wizard dialog.
- New. This creates a new (empty) Gallery. It is important to note this is only available to users with Administrator or Publisher access - a significant change from v6.
- Save As.... This allows a Gallery to be saved with a user specified name in the Saved Galleries list in the Galleries pane.
- Settings.... This calls the Gallery Settings dialog. Only available for user-created galleries
- Access.... (New in v8.0+). This calls the Gallery Access dialog. Only available for user-created galleries and when with user-based password access.
- Collect.... This calls the Collect dialog.
- Burn To Disc.... This calls the Burn To Disc dialog. This option is only available in Mac OS X and Windows XP but not Windows 2000 as it requires OS CD burning software which is not found in older OSs.
- Netpublish.... (New in v8.0+). This opens the NetPublish Assistant wizard dialog, with the distinction that the Publish page will be pre-selected to publish only the current gallery rather than the whole catalogue. If greyed out in a user-based access catalogue check the gallery settings and ensure the gallery is viewable publicly.
- Update. This initiates an update of the selected Record(s) in the current Gallery. The rules used in updating are described on page 61 of the manual.
- Edit Field Values.... This opens the Edit Field Values dialog.
- Edit Keywords.... This opens the Edit Keywords dialog.
- Delete.... This calls the Confirm Delete dialog. Depending on the type of Gallery (user-defined or built-in, the user may have option may be to delete from the Gallery or the Catalogue or just from both Gallery and Catalogue
- Bach Convert Images.... This opens the Batch Convert Images dialog.
- Batch Rename.... This opens the Batch Rename dialog.
- Change Path.... This opens the Change Path dialog that allows the user to find the changed location for an original file. The filename selected should match the current filename, otherwise use the 'Link to New File' option below.
- Extract Properties. This (re-)extracts the Keywords, Description and metadata from the original file as per the Metadata mappings.
- Embed Properties. This embeds the Keywords, Description and metadata as per the Metadata mappings into supported file types - TIF/JPG.
- Properties.... This opens the Item Properties dialog for the currently selected Item(s).
- Preview.... This causes the currently selected Item(s) to be previewed using the original files. If the originals are on removable media, such as a Zip drive or CD, the user will be prompted the mount the appropriate volume. Alternatively, if the Catalog Administration dialog settings include Item Previews, these will be offered up first, by default.
- Regenerate Thumbnail. This causes the Catalogue's thumbnail for the current Item(s) to be regenerated (including Item Previews if being used).
- Original:
- Copy.... This copies the original file (if currently accessible) to the clipboard.
- Delete.... This deletes the original file and associated Item.
- Edit.... This opens the original for editing in the selected editing program. If there is none currently set for the file type to be edited, the user is asked to selected an editing program.
- Link to New File.... This allows the Item (and its custom data) to be linked to a new - or changed file. The latter may occur where an original file is edited and renamed outside Portfolio or the wrong file name was given for a Placeholder Record. (See also the manual page 19).
- Move.... This allows the original file to be moved to a new storage location, the 'Path' Field being updated accordingly.
- Rename.... This renames the original file and updates the Item's name-related fields (e.g. Filename, Path, etc.)
- Reveal in Finder. ['Find in Explorer' in Windows OS] This opens a Finder or Explorer window with the focus set on the selected Item
- Email.... This opens the Email dialog.
- Rotate JPEG Original. Subsidiary menu:
- 90 Degrees Clockwise. Rotates the original file 90 Degrees Clockwise.
- 90 Degrees Counter-Clockwise. Rotates the original file 90 Degrees Counter-Clockwise.
- 180 Degrees. Rotates the original file through 180 degrees.
- Rotate Thumbnail. Subsidiary menu:
- 90 Degrees Clockwise. Rotates the current Item's thumbnail 90 Degrees Clockwise.
- 90 Degrees Counter-Clockwise. Rotates the current Item's thumbnail 90 Degrees Counter-Clockwise.
- Create QuickTime Movie.... This calls the Create QuickTime Movie dialog.
- Create Web Pages.... This allows the export of the selected Item(s) in current view style to static HTML pages via the Create Web Pages dialog.
- Create Scratchpad Gallery. New in v8+. Creates an (unsaved) scratchpad gallery (like old untitled/unsaved galleries pre-v6)

- This menu is only displayed when a Catalogue is open and if there are any scripts in Portfolio's "\scripts\" sub-folder. The default installation of the Portfolio Windows client does not include Scripts, Mac has the 'Edit Path' script. You may write your own scripts or use those created by others for use with Portfolio (check which version of the program before use). All scripts require Portfolio to be running and a Catalogue loaded in order to run at all.
- Note the slight differences between OSs. On the Mac you can open the scripts folder in Finder - or refresh it to show newly added scripts. The latter requires closing and reopening the Windows client. On Windows, any sub-folders in the /scripts/ folder is replicated in the menu; on Mac scripts in sub-folders are shown but the folder structure is ignored with all scripts in a single list.

- Cascade. [Windows OS only] Cascades Gallery windows inside the Portfolio Window.
- Tile Horizontally. [Windows OS only] Tiles Gallery windows horizontally inside the Portfolio Window.
- Tile Vertically. [Windows OS only] Tiles Gallery windows vertically inside the Portfolio Window.
- Close All. [Windows OS only] Closes all Gallery windows. Unless the 'Keep Catalog Open' option is set on the fly-out menu of the Catalogs palette, closing all Galleries also closes the Catalogue(s).
- Minimize. [Mac OS only] Minimizes the current Gallery window to a Dock icon.
- Zoom. [Mac OS only] Maximizes the current Gallery window.
- Bring All To Front. [Mac OS only] Causes all Portfolio Gallery windows on top of other applications' windows.
- Show Catalogs. Toggles display of the Catalogs palette. When open the menu caption changes from 'Show' to 'Hide'.
- Show Categories. Toggles display of the Categories palette. When open the menu caption changes from 'Show' to 'Hide'.
- Show Finds. Toggles display of the Finds palette. When open the menu caption changes from 'Show' to 'Hide'.
- Master Palettes:
- Show Master Keywords. Toggles display of the Master Keyword List palette. When open the menu caption changes from 'Show' to 'Hide'.
- Show [Custom Field Name]. Toggles display of the palette for any Custom Field that has a pre-defined list of values - here a field called "Processed?". When open the menu caption changes from 'Show' to 'Hide'.
- List of open Galleries. A list of all the open Galleries. Clicking on any entry makes that the active Gallery window.

- Portfolio Help. (v8.0+) This opens HTML help. Other help information, such as a quickstart guide are installed as PDFs in the /Documents/ sub-folder of the per-language section of the app folder.
- User Guide. (v7 - replaced by "Portfolio Help") This opens a PDF version of the v7 manual - assuming the user's system has a program associated with the PDF extension. (Note: An installer for Acrobat Reader is included on the Portfolio install CD, or simply download the latest version from Adobe).
- Visit Extensis Website. (v8.0+) This opens the Extensis home page in the user's default web browser.
- About Portfolio.[Windows OS only] This calls the About dialog. The Mac equivalent dialog is called from the Portfolio menu.
Question: Menus (v7/v8.0+) [FAQ00019.htm]
Last Update:- 15 April 2008