Edit Keywords dialog (v7)
This dialog is called from the Item menu. The dialog allows you to carry out 2 sorts of function - add/delete keywords or apply keywords. The action is carried out on the currently selected Record(s) when the 'OK' button is clicked:
- Add. Type a new keyword in the bottom box and click the 'Add' button. The word now appears in the top list with 'Add' next to it, indicating it is pending addition when 'OK' is clicked.
- Delete. Select one or more keywords and click the 'Delete' button to remove the Keywords. You may make multiple selections using Shift+click or Cmd/Ctrl+click. The word(s) now appear in the top list with 'Delete' next to them, indicating they are pending addition when 'OK' is clicked.
- Assign. Click any keyword in the top list, including those due to be added and click the 'Assign' button. There is no visual tell-back for this action which is applied when the 'OK' button is clicked.
The 'Cancel' button cancels the dialog and any pending add/delete changes made to the list or keyword assignments.
Question: Edit Keywords dialog (v7) [FAQ00268.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006