About dialog (v7)
This dialog is called from the Portfolio menu (Mac) or the Help menu (Windows). In both the screen grabs the dark grey band is the licence code which has been deliberately obscured (to counter piracy). The screen layouts differ but the contents are broadly the same:
- Clickable image panel (left). When first opened this shows the application artwork. Clicking on it cycles the panel between image/contact information/credits.
- Main info panel (right). This shows the licence number (obscured here), a contact number and website for Extensis.
- www.extensis.com button. Opens a web browser window with the Extensis website homepage.
- Contact Us button. Toggles the image panel, top left to show contact info for Extensis offices.
- OK button. Closes the dialog
- Image panel (top left). This displays the v7 artwork and underneath it the licence number (obscured here) and the address of the local folder where the application is installed.
- Info panel (top right). By default this shows Product information (see below) and toggles to show Credits and Contact into using the text links at the bottom of the dialog.
- Product Information. Click to show product information in the top right panel. The number of users allowed by the installed client licence is shown (note here it is a 5-seat code). Below this the version numbers for the main program file, Portfolio Express and the separate cataloguing engine are all shown.
- Credits. Click to show credits for Portfolio's production in the top right panel.
- Contact Us. Click to show contact information for the US and Europe in the top right panel.
- www.extensis.com. Opens a web browser window with the Extensis website homepage.
- 'X' button (top right of dialog title bar). Closes the dialog. The is no 'close' button on the form itself.
Question: About dialog (v7) [FAQ00272.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006