FolderSync (v7)

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The FolderSync (FS) pane is an embedded pane in the Portfolio window which may be toggled on/off from view and displayed in different locations around the Portfolio window. On first install, the FolderSync pane is by default 'on' (visible) though it will contain nothing until you add some watched folders. If you use FS you should definitely read pages 69-77 of the v7 manual; it describes issues like creating/deleting OS folders, moving originals files via FS, etc.

Note that FS, when cataloguing, reflects the settings in Advanced Cataloging Options but it does not use any of the Cataloging Options settings. This means you can't add Keywords (other than path/filename), Descriptions and other field data, copy/move images or rename files as part of FS. Rather you the concept is you use FS to create the record and then use the same tools as in Cataloguing Options to do renaming, keywording etc.

In the Windows client, the FS pane can be floated as a palette or docked at left (default) or right of the main application window. In Windows the FS pane can also be docked 'stacked' above or below the gallery pane; drag the splitter bar(s) to determine how height or width of each pane.

On Mac the logic is more complex (and less intuitive!); the folder pane is a drawer that may be displayed to the left or right of the main application/gallery window (at left is the default unless the left margin to the screen edge is too small). The pane is only ever shown from the first (Mac) gallery window opened; if you open other galleries in their own window (non-default behaviour) they will have no FS - or gallery - pane and won't show one, despite the View menu settings. If you close the first Portfolio window (with the FS pane) and have other gallery windows open the only way to reinstate the 'main' window and see the FS pane - without closing/re-opening the catalogue - is to double-click the quickfind box on the toolbar; this will always return the built-in "Find Results" gallery and thus re-instate the window with the FS and gallery panes. One last Mac client quirk; if the folder pane is currently not visible and the main window is maximised (green button), displaying the folder pane has no apparent effect as it opens hidden off screen - click the green button again to un-maximise and you'll see the pane. Unlike Windows, the FS pane can't be floated or docked 'stacked' above or below the gallery pane; nor may the FS pane width be altered - it is fixed width.

Version 7 has changed so both windows and Mac use the v6 Mac style folder icons in the pane. This what the FolderSync pane looks like in v7.0.0 (OS X):

Note that only a top level folder, a 'Watched Folder', has a brown 'tray' under the folder. Watch Folders can be expanded to show sub-folders by using the triangle symbol (Windows = plus/minus box), as here:

Clicking a folder (Watched or otherwise) will show all records for the contents of the folder in focus and its sub folders. Option/Ctrl+click the folder to show only that folder's contents. This is a reverse of the v6 behaviour.

Along the top of the FS pane are a set of icons, dimmed when not available for use:

This shows the context menu for the FS pane:

If set to open (Preferences - default is 'yes') this dialog lists the items found for synching. Files removed have a red 'X', new files a green '+' and altered files a yellow '-' to the left the item. There are 2 options boxes. The second simply allows this dialog to be turned off without using the Preferences. The first box, if ticked, ensures that when an original has been removed its record is also deleted. This is only useful if synching permanently available/mounted drives. Click "Sync" to start the synchronisation process:

AutoSync Settings

Question: FolderSync (v7) [FAQ00017.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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