Tech Requirements v6 & older

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If the latest version/service pack of your OS isn't listed, don't fret. Portfolio should work OK. However, vendors and users never know until Microsoft or Apple release a version/SP what is 'in' the release. For instance, the release OS 10.3 broke some menus in Portfolio v6.1.So do allow a little time for testing. If you're running the latest OS, drop a line to Extensis - making clear your OS version. At worst you may hear some features don't work - but most likely an later update will fix them.

Version 6

Technical Requirements for running elements of Portfolio v6 are shown below. For more detailed information see the readme files for the appropriate version.

The data below is based on published data from Extensis. Users should assume that more recent versions of Windows OS are compatible. With Mac, there is unlikely to be further development of the 'classic' environment. Due to issues with the still emergent OS-X, the v6.1 client requires Jaguar (10.2.x) or later. The OS-X native Server requirements are less clear but are best assumed as the same as for the client.

Mac OS Windows OS
Portfolio Client System Requirements
Mac OS X v10.2.x (Jaguar or better) - v6.1 client
Mac OS 8.6 and higher - 9.2.2 or higher recommended - for v6.0.1 client.

QuickTime v4.1.1 or higher strongly recommended
Open Transport 1.1 or higher (for connecting to other Portfolio catalogues across a network)
Windows 98 and higher, Windows NT (Service Pack 6 or 6a), Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2), Windows ME, Windows XP

QuickTime v4.1.1 or higher strongly recommended
TCP/IP Services (for connecting to other Portfolio catalogues across a network)
Portfolio Server System Requirements
Mac OS X v10.2.x (Jaguar or better) - v6.1 Server
Mac OS 8.6 and higher - 9.2.2 or higher recommended - for v6.0.1 Server.
G3/G4 recommended, 64 MB available RAM - 126 MB RAM recommended.
QuickTime 4.1.1 or higher strongly recommended
Open Transport 1.1 or higher
Windows NT (Service Pack 6 or 6a), Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2)
Pentium Processor - 233MHz or faster recommended
64 MB of system RAM - 128 MB recommended
QuickTime v4.1.1 or higher strongly recommended
TCP/IP Services
Portfolio Server SQL Connect System Requirements
No Mac version Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation or Server version) or Windows 2000 (Professional or Server version), or Windows XP
Pentium - Pentium 233MHz or faster recommended
64MB of system RAM - 128MB or more recommended
TCP/IP Services

Supports MS-SQL Server 6.5 and 7 and Oracle 8i.
PortWeb System Requirements
Mac OS 8.6 and higher - 9.2.1 or higher recommended. [No OS X native version as yet.]
Mac PowerPC, 32MB available RAM

StarNine WebSTAR 3.x - 4.x
AppleShare IP 6.x
Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Pentium Processor - 200 MHz or faster recommended

Windows NT 4, 2000: Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
Windows NT 4: Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Web Services
Windows 95 or 98: Microsoft Personal Web Sharing

1. To use client/server, i.e. Server + Network clients, your network must be running TCP/IP. If your Portfolio Network clients are on Mac and PC sections of a mixed network you will need to ensure the necessary translation protocols are in place.
2. QuickTime is needed for extraction of information, especially thumbnails, from some of the supported file formats. In order to view Photoshop file layer use the 'recommended' install instead of the 'basic' one.

Version 5

Technical Requirements for running elements of Portfolio v5 are shown below. For more detailed information see the readme files for the appropriate version.

Mac OS Windows OS
Portfolio Desktop Edition System Requirements
Mac OS 8.1 - 9, PowerPC, 32MB RAM Windows 95, 98, Windows 2000, or NT 4.0, Pentium, 32MB RAM
Portfolio Network Edition System Requirements
Mac OS 8.1 - 9
PowerPC, 32MB RAM
Windows 95, 98, Windows 2000, or NT 4.0
Pentium, 32MB RAM
Portfolio Server System Requirements
Mac OS 8.1 - 9, PowerPC, Open Transport 1.1 or later Windows 2000 or NT 4.0, Pentium, 32MB RAM
Portfolio Server SQL Connect System Requirements
No Mac version Windows NT 4 or 2000, Pentium, 32MB RAM
Supports MS SQL Server 6.5 and 7 and Oracle 8i.
PortWeb Server System Requirements
Mac PowerPC, StarNine WebSTAR 2.0 - 4.0, AppleShare IP 6 Windows NT 4 or 2000:
  Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
  Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Web Services

Windows 95 or 98:
  Microsoft Personal Web Sharing

Note: To use client/server, i.e. Server + Network clients, your network must be running TCP/IP. If your Portfolio Network clients are on Mac and PC sections of a mixed network you will need to ensure the necessary translation protocols are in place.

Keywords (to assist indexing/searching):

Question: Tech Requirements v6 &amp; older [FAQ00406.htm]
Last Update:- 02 July 2009

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