File Types Supported - v8/8.5

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Note for all versions: Portfolio uses a file extension, if present, as the primary means of file type identification on Windows and Mac. This is notable as some Mac users who have applied info for different to extensions and type - usually to address legacy issues - have expected the Mac client to use Mac OS 'Type' info rather than the Extension if a clash occurs, the Extension being considered a Windows OS issue. Certainly since the move to OS X, as the two main OSs grow closer in style, mainstream Mac programs are adopting the file extensions so it is best to both use them and use the correct ones!

File type support by client version:

Version 8/8.5

Portfolio is capable of cataloguing any digital file. It also has the ability to generate or extract thumbnails, generate screen previews and extract metadata from most standard graphic and video formats. The supported file formats are listed below. Unsupported file formats will be visually catalogued as icons, allowing users to link to the original files for editing. Supported audio and video formats will playback within the Portfolio application. Portfolio also has limited ability to batch convert some imaging formats to TIFF, JPEG and VFZ/PFZ formats. Portfolio can also embed metadata into TIFF and JPEG formats. Portfolio can also index and search text from selected file formats. QuickTime. Portfolio uses many QuickTime filters to assist with cataloguing. Whilst QuickTime is installed as part of the Mac OS, Windows OS users should (must!) download and install the free version of QuickTime for Windows and keep QuickTime updated. Using the pay-for QuickTime Pro doesn't add anything extra to Portfolio's use of QuickTime.
Image Formats  
Format Thumbnail Read metadata Create previews Create multi-page previews Batch Convert to (JPEG/TIFF) Convert to VFZ/PFZ Embed metadata
BMP - Bitmap Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
EPS - Encapsulated Postscript (1) Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
FPX - FlashPix (2) Yes Yes Yes Yes      
GIF - Graphic Interchange Format Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
JPEG - Joint Photographics Expert Group Yes Yes Yes   Yes Yes Yes
JPEG 2000 (Mac OS X only) Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
PCD - Kodak Photo CD Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
PICT - QuickTime Picture Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
PNG - Portable Network Graphics Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
PSD - Adobe Photoshop (3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
TGA - Targa Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (4) Yes Yes Yes   Yes Yes Yes
TIFF - TIFF Fax Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WMF - Windows Media Format (Windows only) Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
VFZ/PFZ PixelLive (3.0 SDK) Yes Yes Yes   Yes Yes  
STN - Genuine Fractals 3.5 Yes Yes          
DNG - Adobe Digital Negative Yes Yes Yes   Yes    
SID Multiresolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID) Yes Yes          
Document Formats  
Format Thumbnail Read metadata Create previews Create multi-page previews Index Document Text  
INDD - Adobe InDesign (5) Yes Yes Yes      
PDF - Adobe Acrobat (6) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
PSD - Adobe Photoshop (7) Yes Yes Yes Yes    
AI - Adobe Illustrator (8) Yes Yes Yes      
PPT - Microsoft PowerPoint (9) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
TXT - Plain Text   Yes     Yes  
FHX - Macromedia Freehand (Mac OS X only) (10) Yes Yes        
QXD - Quark XPress 5 or higher (Mac OS X only, requires XTension) (11) Yes Yes Yes      
DOC - Microsoft Word 2003 or higher (requires optional filter, Windows OS only) (12) Yes Yes Yes   Yes  
XLS - Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher (requires optional filter, Windows OS only) (12) Yes Yes Yes   Yes  
Audio/Video Formats  
Format Thumbnail Play Media  
AIFF - Audi Interchange File Format   Yes Yes  
AU - Sun Microsystem Audio File   Yes Yes  
AVI - Audio Video Interleave Yes Yes Yes  
SWF - Flash/Shockwave (v6 and lower) (13) Yes Yes Yes  
Macintosh Sound File   Yes Yes  
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface   Yes Yes  
MPEG-1 - Moving Pictures Experts Group Type 1 Yes Yes Yes  
MPEG-2 - Moving Pictures Experts Group Type 2 (14) Yes Yes Yes  
MP3 - MPEG -1 Layer 3 Audio File   Yes Yes  
MPEG-4 - Moving Pictures Experts Group Yes Yes Yes  
MOV - QuickTime Movies (15) Yes Yes Yes  
MOV - QuickTime VR Yes Yes Yes  
MOV - QuickTime Cubic VR Yes Yes Yes  
WAV - Waveform Audio formant   Yes Yes  
DV - Digital Video Stream Yes Yes Yes  
3GPP - 3GP2 Mobile Phone Video Yes Yes Yes  
1. EPS Support: Very complex EPS files could be problematic, please check for compatibility with complex EPS files.
2. Flashpix: Multi-page Previewing of Flashpix supported on Mac OS X only.
3. PSD Support. Files containing Adobe Smart Objects may have problems creating thumbnails and/or previews.
4. TIFF. Currently does not support Zip compressed TIFF files (though you may find the latter do work, based on user experiments).
5. InDesign. Version 2 & CS, Mac only. Requires the user to set the embed preview option. Adobe CS2 made changes that in some instances broke this feature for Portfolio, v8.1 restores it. To use the first page of documents as the thumbnail and preview image, choose InDesign > Preferences > File Handling (Mac) or Choose Edit > Preferences > File Handling (Windows) in Adobe InDesign. Enable the "Always Save Preview Images with Documents" option, choose a preview size and click OK.
6. Acrobat. Supports flattened paths with no transparency. For best results save for v5 compatibility. PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7) supported on Mac OS X; PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7) supported on Windows. Not stated, but assume v8.5.x supports CS3/v8 PDF.
7. Images must be saved with maximum compatibility setting (i.e. flattened preview). Does not support: PSB, 16-bit LAB and 16-bit CMYK are not supported.
8. Illustrator. Versions 2, CS, CS2 and CS3 (Mac only); requires user to set the embed preview option. Older AI versions are no longer supported.
9. Windows supports PPT 2000 and 2003. Mac supports PPT X (PPT 2004 from v8.5). For extended previewing, PowerPoint must be installed on the user's computer.
10. Freehand. The user must enable the Portfolio thumbnail option in Freehand Preferences.
11. Quark. Mac OS X only. Thumbnail creation requires a (free) third party XTension from Matrix software to be installed in Quark v6; the same XTension can be obtained for Quark v7 but is no longer free and must be purchased from the XTension maker. The XTension can be downloaded from Extensis' website. The download contains a separate drop-in Quark XTension for each major version of Quark up to v7.
12. Microsoft Word (DOC) format and Excel (XLS) formats are only supported on Windows. PPT format (2000, 2003) is supported on Windows. Office 2007 Open XML file formats (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX) are not supported and must be saved in legacy (DOC, XLS, PPT) format before they can be catalogued correctly in Portfolio.
13. SWF. As from QuickTime v7.3.1, Apple dropped support for Flash(SWF) playback, for security reasons. Portfolio user with QT v7.3.1+ will no longer be able to thumbnail or preview SWF within the client. An alternative solution is likely to be added in due course.
14. MPEG-2. Requires a pay-for QuickTime MPEG 2 plug-in available for purchase from Apple.
15. QuickTime movies. Supports a wide range of video codecs including: Animation, Apple BMP, Apple Pixlet (Mac OS 10.3+, Apple Video, Cinepak, Component Video, DV and DVC Pro NTSC, DV PAL, Graphivs, H.261, H.263, JPEG2000 (Mac OS X), Microsoft OLE, Microsoft video 1, Motion JPEG A, Motion JPEG b, MPEG-4, Photo JPEG, Planar RGB, PNG, Sorenson Video 2, Sorenson Video 3, TGA, and TIFF. For best results download the latest version of QuickTime.

Keywords (to assist indexing/searching):

Question: File Types Supported - v8/8.5 [FAQ00247.htm]
Last Update:- 05 February 2008

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