Can I use a catalogue without it's associated images/files?

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It may arise that you need to send a catalogue to a client or colleague but the sheer size of the associated files makes it impractical to include these (the catalogue may be megabytes but the assets take up gigabytes).

So, can you use a 'bare' catalogue like this? Yes. However, the only images you will be able to access will be the records' thumbnails as previewing requires access to the original. If this is unacceptable, consider using disk previews. As these are only 72 dpi JPGs the image size may be a lot smaller than the original images, yet give the user a perfectly acceptable preview for general use. Clearly, if the they wish to access the original file it would have to be included with the catalogue or supplied separately.

Question: Can I use a catalogue without it's associated images/files? [FAQ00318.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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