Preferences dialog (v6)

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This dialog is called from the Edit menu. There are 4 sections to the Preferences:

General Preferences: (see also manual pages 29-30)

Prompt to Save Untitled Galleries. When selected, Portfolio will always prompt you to save 'Untitled' (unsaved) Gallery windows with a Warning dialog box. If you leave this setting off, you'll be able to open a new Gallery, then later close it without Portfolio prompting you to save it.

Confirm Delete from Catalog. By default, Portfolio warns you with a confirmation dialog box each time you delete an item from a Catalogue, as this is an irreversible action. If you don't want the warning, turn this check box off.

Show Welcome Dialog at Startup. Turns off the Welcome dialog box that offers to open an existing Catalogue or create a new Catalogue each time you launch Portfolio.

Auto-Play Movie and Sound files when Previewed. When selected, movie and sound files are played automatically in preview windows; you don't need to click the Play button.

Fit Preview to Window. When selected, images are automatically scaled to fit preview windows. When unchecked, images appear at 100% and scroll bars appear in the window to allow you to view the entire image.

Display Multi-Page Icon on Thumbnail. When selected, a small multiple-page icon is added to the lower right-hand corner of PDF, PowerPoint, and TIFF files that contain more than one page, including those such as layered Photoshop files.

Delete Key. Choose from 'Delete from Catalog' or 'Remove from Gallery'. Choose to have the Delete key on your keyboard either delete items from the Catalogue or just the current Gallery.

Double-click item to. Choose from 'Show Preview', 'Show Properties' or 'Edit Original'. This option allows you to define how Portfolio behaves when you double-click a thumbnail. You can have it open the Item Properties window for the item, open a preview of the item, or open the original item for editing (using the file's "parent" application).

Default open mode. Set your copy of Portfolio to open Catalogues in one of the four access-level modes (Reader, Editor, Publisher, or Administrator).

Image Dimensions. Choose from 'Inches', 'Centimetres', 'Millimetres' or 'Pixels'. Select the unit of measure for displaying image dimensions. Applies to displays in Gallery and preview windows. Note that pixels are the only unit of measure used in the Height and Width built-in Catalogue Fields.

Cataloging Preferences:

Do not prompt for Cataloging Options. When ticked this suppresses the Cataloging Options dialog being displayed when a cataloguing operation is started. Default setting is off - i.e. the dialog is always displayed. Until practised with use of the Cataloguing Options it is advisable to display them (see also manual pages 20-21):
- Assign Properties. Allows these settings to be applied when the display of the Cataloging Options is suppressed.
- Copy/move Items. Allows these settings to be applied when the display of the Cataloging Options is suppressed.

- Rename Items. Allows these settings to be applied when the display of the Cataloging Options is suppressed.

Show FolderSync dialog. This determines whether the separate FolderSync dialog is shown when a FolderSync operation commences. The default is setting is 'on'. This setting can also be set from the FolderSync dialog.

Cataloging Summary.These checkboxes determine how Portfolio handles problems that it encounters when attempting to catalogue files.

Report Cataloging Errors. Turn on this checkbox if you want Portfolio to alert you to a problem - such as a corrupted file that cannot be catalogued - during the cataloguing process.

Log Cataloging Errors to File. This creates a text file in the same directory as your Catalogue, logging all cataloguing activity. The data is stored in the app folder (Mac) or an app sub-folder called /logs/ on Windows. Data is stored per catalogue, in a file called [cataloguename].log.txt.

QuickFind Preferences: (see also manual page 90 and here)

Field List. QuickFind operates a "...contains..." search against the field (varies v5 vs. v6) against the word or string typed in the toolbar's QuickFind box. In v5 QuickFind only searched against the 'Keywords' Field. In v6 you can set one or more target Fields for QuickFind - including custom Fields (but excluding Date, Integer or Decimal field types). The default choice is Description/Filename/Keywords. Any QuickFind preference changes, e.g. adding Custom Field selections, are stored per Catalogue potentially allowing different QuickFind settings in each Catalogue. As a result, this tab is missing from the Preferences dialog if it is opened when no Catalogues are currently open. This also means that if you require every catalogue to have the same customisation, this must be manually set in each catalogue.

QuickFind Opens New Gallery. This does as it says. When ticked, a QuickFind opens a new Gallery to display its results.

Advanced Preferences:

Catalog Block Size. Don't touch this setting unless instructed by technical support staff - leave it at 8k.

Sorting Language. Options are English, French, German or Japanese. Set it according to your language of use.

Question: Preferences dialog (v6) [FAQ00260.htm]
Last Update:- 26 September 2007

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