Find dialog (v6)

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(See also manual pages 89-96)

This dialog is called from the Catalog menu. The dialog has 2 tabs:

Criteria tab.
This dialog allows you to set the criteria for creating Finds (searches) in a Portfolio Catalogue (database file). At minimum a Find has 3 parameters - the Field to search in, the search Op (Operator) and the Value to search for in the Field. For instance...
"Extension Win"+"matches"+"PSD"
...looks at the 'Extension Win' Field and matches any Record from the currently selected Record(s) that match "PSD". In this example the Find 's Op is case sensitive so "psd" would not be found. Frustratingly, Operators are not described anywhere in the Portfolio documentation but results from PortfolioFAQ tests are described here. Wildcard searches using asterisks (*) as 'any' values are not supported. To execute the criteria, click the 'Find' button.

More than one set of criteria can be used. The client supports up to 5 (see image below) sets and PortWeb up to 10. After the first set all criteria must use an AND or OR join. AND is offered as the default. Use the 'More Choices' and 'Fewer Choices' buttons to add/remove criteria sets; the buttons grey out when more/fewer criteria limits are reached.

As well as setting searches from new in this dialog, previously saved Finds can be called from the 'Saved Finds' drop-down menu:

From the menu, a list of saved Finds can be opened and entries can be renamed, duplicated (with a choice of a new name) or deleted.

Note that saved Finds are stored within the Catalogue and can't be imported/exported, thus they are only available in Galleries from the currently open Catalogue. By saving a Find using the 'Save as Default', the saved Find's criteria are then used as the default setting whenever the Find dialog is opened.

The following other features are available on the Criteria tab:

The example below shows a Find set to use the maximum 5 sets of criteria allowed:

Catalogs tab.
This tab has a list with 3 columns, showing the names of all open Catalogues and the number of Galleries open in each of them. The first column displays (by default) a magnifying glass icon which indicates a Catalogue will be included in any multi-Catalogue Find. By clicking the icon, it can be toggled off to remove that Catalogue from such find operations; the toggle is on/off. In the example above, 3 Catalogues are open and one has been de-selected from multi-field searches. The 'Find' button operates exactly as the same button on the Criteria tab, though clearly you will need to ensure the criteria are already set before using this button.

Question: Find dialog (v6) [FAQ00262.htm]
Last Update:- 01 June 2006

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