Manual: v5 - Pages 185-189 (Export to HTML), v6 - Pages 104-108 (Exporting web pages) / pages 111-112 (HTML page macros)
The default method of using Export to HTML will create an HTML template with will be used to spawn sufficient pages to display the currently selected record(s)' information in the visual format of the currently selected View. 'Selecting File -> Export HTML...' will display this dialog:
The 'Use Current View Settings' option is selected. The simplest option is now to click 'Export'. You will be asked where to save your HTML and as many pages as required to display the selected records in the chosen format will be created.
If however you are wishing just to create a template for PortWeb (or other such) use, don't use the Export button but click 'Add...' instead and see the topic on Editing your HTML templates.
Alternatively, you may already have a saved template you wish to use, read on...
Question: Export to HTML - 2 - Export using current settings [FAQ00134.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006
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