Portfolio 8.5 now requires separate serial codes for Mac and Win OS clients (this has arisen due to sub-licenced components in the Windows client). The v8.5.x client is available as:
Portfolio comes in 2 OS versions:
Portfolio comes in 4 language versions (all are installed as part of the normal install):
The application(s) are designed with localisation in mind. So, localising for languages other than above is possible (and I believe has been done). Those looking to do this should contact Extensis directly.
Portfolio Server v8.5+ includes a separate installer for the optional use of Project Sync, for use with Adobe CS3 Version Cue.
Portfolio 8 returns to two version of the client software both running current Windows OSs and Mac OS X. The client is available as:
Portfolio comes in 2 OS versions:
Portfolio comes in 4 language versions (all are installed as part of the normal install):
The v8+ application(s) are designed with localisation in mind. So, localising for languages other than above is possible (and I believe has been done). Those looking to do this should contact Extensis directly.
Portfolio 7 has only one version of the client software and is now restricted to current Windows OSs and Mac OS X. You may also come across a promotional version called Portfolio Solo.
Portfolio comes in 2 OS versions:
Portfolio comes in 4 language versions:
Note that when new versions come out, the US/English version is always likely to come out before the other versions. This should be borne in mind working with multi-language workgroups sharing Catalogues.
Portfolio 6 has only one version of the client software. The previous Network/Desktop version options was dropped and the v6 client is the functional successor of the v5 Network client. You may also come across a promotional version called Portfolio Solo.
Portfolio comes in 3 OS versions:
The Mac OS-X native version was released in January 2003 and is a free u/g for Mac OS-X users. Those buying a Mac client licence have the option of using either/both Mac variants (up to the number of client licences held).
Portfolio comes in 4 language versions. Note that the IE version was dropped as of v6, but the differences were trivial - spelling of Catalogue/Catalog, colour/color, etc.:
Note that when new versions come out, the US/English version is always likely to come out before the other versions. This should be borne in mind working with multi-language workgroups sharing Catalogues.
Portfolio 5 'full' version as first released was subsequently split into two versions. If you had an original Portfolio (v4 or v5) 'full' licence, you are regarded as having the Portfolio v5 "Network" edition. Shortly after release of Version 5 the Portfolio product range was re-designated. It now comes in a hierarchy of 3 versions:
Note that v5.02 of the client is actually the Desktop Version of the v5.01 Network Client. If you are using Portfolio v5 from before the product re-naming you now have Portfolio Network and you should patch and upgrade along that product path. Do not update the old 'full' Portfolio v5 or Portfolio Network to v5.02 as you will lose functionality.
Question: What are the different product versions of Portfolio client? [FAQ00009.htm]
Last Update:- 15 April 2008
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