AutoSync vs. FolderSync
AutoSync (AS) was introduced with v7 and is server-based FolderSync (FS). This is possible because as of v7, the server is effectively a 'headless' client - it has all the files/filters necessary to catalogue files and create new records. It offers several advantages:
- All activity is on the server. Instead of files being pulled across the LAN from storage (often on the server) to the client for cataloguing, all file transfers are internal to the server (assuming originals are also on the server) and all CPU cycles for this activity are used on the Portfolio Server's host computer.
- No scanning activity on the LAN. Again all folder scanning activity is retained in the server - or at worst between server and NAS/external shares). No requirement to set 'FolderSync scanning' options per-user-per-client. client settings are ignored.
- No client need be open - including on the server itself. The Server app does the work.
Icons in the FS pane:
- The icon for an FS watched folder (i.e. top-level FS folder) is a blue folder with a brown 'tray' beneath it - it is the same icon as used on the 'new watched folder' button in the FS pane
- The icon for an AS watched folder (i.e. top-level AS folder) is a green folder without a brown 'tray' beneath it - effectively a different coloured version of the FS/AS subfolder icon (see next bullet)
- The icon for a sub-folder in both FS and AS (i.e. an OS folder within the watched folder) is a blue folder without a brown 'tray' beneath it
- FS and AS: An out of synch folder or watched folder shows a superimposed yellow warning triangle and the folder name is in bold. This disappears when the folder is back in synch and the name is unbolded. (N.B Windows client display bug - see below)
- FS and AS: A watched folder that is in synch but which has out of sync sub-folders will also will show a warning triangle/bolding as long as any sub-folder is out of sync. (N.B win client display bug - see below)
- FS and AS: there is a bug on the Windows client (only) whereby a watched folder never shows the warning triangle, only the watched folder's caption is bolded. Sub-folders operate correctly (icon and caption) on both OSs. This bug is particularly confusing if the watched folder has no subfolders or the later are collapsed from view and the only tell-back for sync state is whether the folder's caption is bolded. Hard to see if running in hi-res on a small screen and screen print is small. Bug is present from v6.0 though to v8.1.1 Win.
- If the target of and AS/FS is unavailable/can't be resolved, only the top level folder is shown and the icon is slightly dimmed. Share names get replaced in the caption with underlying path.
Creating AS vs. FS folders:
- An AS folder must be created in a [i]served[/i] catalogue. So, testing a new server with a client on the server and a standalone catalogue won't let you test AS - you must first create a served (test) catalogue.
- A served catalogue won't let you make an FS watched folder and conversely a catalogue opened directly in the client can't create an AS watched folder.
- If a catalogue with an AS watched folder is unserved and opened directly in the client, the AS temporarily becomes as FS - though it may not function for clients running on computers other than the server. If the catalogue is re-served, the FS returns to AS function (as indicated by the differing watched folder icons).
- Conversely, an FS watch on a server share created in a non-served catalogue doesn't become AS if the catalogue is subsequently served - it remains FS. This latter result is slightly counter-intuitive given the point above. It reinforces the point that AS must be set up using a served catalogue.
Using saved Cataloguing Options. You can apply pre-saved cataloguing options, but note there are limitations:
- The settings used are applied to the entire folder set being watched, i.e. only one choice of options per folderset.
- AS/FS can only use saved options that set metadata. Copy/Move/Rename features are not supported. Background Cataloguing offers more alternatives in this context.
Keywords (to assist indexing/searching):folder sync synch auto
Question: AutoSync vs. FolderSync [FAQ00375.htm]
Last Update:- 14 April 2009