Cataloguing Engine - v7.x+

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In v7+, the cataloguing process is now in its own sub-program of the client. This has the added advantage that if a rogue file does pull down the cataloguing process the main client is unaffected; just re-start the cataloguing. The cataloguing dialog itself is unchanged. In addition, you can now open up to 3 concurrent cataloguing sessions at once - for instance by dragging 3 different folders onto a catalogue one after another. Not many will need this but it's a neat feature.

You may very occasionally find that a bad file - invariably an EPS - will hang the cataloguing engine. On OSX (experienced up to/incl. v7.0.4) you may find that after cancelling the cataloguing dialog that further cataloguing attempts - of anything - don't work. Don't try re-starting the client, it's the cataloguing engine that needs attention; it's still running but you've no UI way to control it - you must use another way to close it down. Try this:

You should now be able to catalogue again, though generally I'd advise re-starting the Portfolio client as well just for good measure.

Question: Cataloguing Engine - v7.x+ [FAQ00368.htm]
Last Update:- 15 January 2008

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