This dialog is displayed whilst items are being catalogued. The image you see inset on the dialog is the last file to have been successfully catalogued, not the current file:
Likewise, the path shown is for the last successful addition to the Catalogue. If the files are not adding too quickly to be easily viewed, you may also see a generic icon appear. The latter occurs when Portfolio encounters an unsupported file type or it is unable to create/extract a thumbnail.
Where such an icon is shown (here and in the thumbnail previews elsewhere in the app) Portfolio uses the host OS to determine icon associated with that file type. Thus on a system with Adobe Illustrator installed, if you add an EPS file and a preview cannot be found or read then you may get an Illustrator EPS icon instead of a thumbnail.
Question: Cataloging Status dialog (v7) [FAQ00288.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006
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