How does Portfolio decide which Gallery view settings to use?

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There are potentially three levels of settings that Portfolio can refer to as a 'template' for any Gallery it displays:

  1. Settings for a saved (named) Gallery.
  2. Catalogue's saved 'default' gallery - if one has been saved.
  3. The client's default settings.

The order of reference for setting to apply is in the numerical order cited above. For instance, if you do a Find from within a customised gallery saved as 'Display', then unless you select the Find to be displayed in a new Gallery, the customisation for 'Display' will be used.

In the above example, if you selected the Find to be returned in a new (i.e. 'Untitled') Gallery, then the Catalogue-level 'default' is used - if it exists - or failing that the client-level default. Note that the latter can be customised using the 'Customize Gallery' dialog and then using the 'Save as Default' button.

You are advised to read up on Portfolio's rather confusing system of defaults!

Question: How does Portfolio decide which Gallery view settings to use? [FAQ00196.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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