Why can't I access my Server/NPServer although it's running and I can see it in the client?

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So, your OS tells you the Server and/or NP Server are running and you can see the server in "Connect to server" but you can't open anything. It is most likely you have forgotten to serialise the Server application; it was running in demo mode and that's now expired. This scenario happening c.30 days from initial set to work or version upgrade is quite common. Not sure how to serialise? See this FAQ "Registering your software".

During the course of v7/v8.0 the server applications have got better at indicating if they aren't serialised. However, whilst the Administer Server dialog will force serialisation if you try to administer an out-of-demo-and-unserialised server, the Connect to Servers doesn't do this. If the server shows in that latter but catalogues aren't available but you think they should be, and you're unsure of serialisation state is worth administering the server before looking for deeper causes.

NetPublish reverts to 1-user-er-hour (developer) mode after the demo expires and will not allow publishing of Portfolio Server-served catalogues until an NPS licence is applied.

Question: Why can't I access my Server/NPServer although it's running and I can see it in the client? [FAQ00149.htm]
Last Update:- 21 January 2008

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