Can I do incremental updates of my PortWeb-served Catalogue?

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This problem is of most relevance where a PortWeb site is externally hosted. For incremental updating of served Catalogues, Portfolio Server is highly recommended ( on the web sever - or at that location). Ideally the Catalogues you will maintain need to be stored in the \Catalogs\ folder on the web server - or computer hosting Portfolio Server. Your aim in doing this is to lessen the chance of operational errors due to incorrectly set up permissions.

Why does it help having Portfolio Server at the web server location? PortWeb only gives you read only access to the web-served Catalogue whereas one served via Portfolio Server and PortWeb can be accessed, updated and maintained remotely from any Portfolio Network client, assuming a correctly set up TCP/IP link. With PortWeb any change to the Catalogue requires you to re-upload the whole catalogue. Note that whether or not Portfolio Server is used at the web server with PortWeb, if you served templates that allow access to source images or disk previews these must be uploaded separately to the web server and updated for any subsequent changes. You must also ensure the server permissions allow the account handling PortWeb to read (at minimum) the folders holding the Catalogue and any previews/original images.

Basic thumbnails are stored inside the database file itself. It is important to note that if you are going to catalogue new files at the remote location via Portfolio Server, remember that your client will need to access the original file. For that reason, even if the new original file is at the remote location, you are best advised to catalogue a copy of the same file on the same computer (or local network) as the computer hosting your client to save the whole image file having to be passed online - problematic for large files on low bandwidth connections. Once the cataloguing is done and the thumbnail created in the Catalogue, you can update the path to point to the 'local' copy at the web server end.

With Windows 2000 Terminal Services Client (TSC) you can remotely run the client - assuming it's installed - and Portfolio Server locally as the web server's interface is replicated on your local PC - like a Citrix thin client. Note the local TSC window is only 256 colour so it's not good if you need picture quality.

Question: Can I do incremental updates of my PortWeb-served Catalogue? [FAQ00144.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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