Manual: v5 - Page 214, v6 - Page 28
What is not mentioned is that preview files are generated with a name like p0000000142.jpg. Unfortunately, this doesn't give you any idea of which original file this is the preview. How does the syntax of our example Preview name break down?
For those having difficulty with the above try this template - right click the link to download this v6 template and import it via the Edit HTML dialog. The result when exported from the Create Web Pages dialog looks like this:
Don't forget that when exporting static web pages, only data for currently selected records is exported. Thus to list all records' RIDs by this method, Find all records and select them before exporting data.
The RID is a hidden counter inside a Catalogue - not a hidden field as previously cited - and provides the unique lookup the Catalogue uses to identify each individual record. However, despite being hidden from the client UI you can export and list RIDs via HTML export by using a template that includes the %RID% placeholder. If each record in your template lists %Filename% = %RID% under the thumbnail (%thumbnail%) you now have a decrypt of the Preview 'name' to the original's name. You can use such a template manually via 'Export to HTML' or using PortWeb depending on your needs and usage. In the latter case the template must be stored in the Catalogue being interrogated via PortWeb.
In automation, you don't expose the RID via a call to the array of a records fields, rather the RID is a property of the record. To see this in the context of VB, see the list of VB Type Library members for detailed syntax.
Question: Preview naming syntax [FAQ00109.htm]
Last Update:- 01 June 2006
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