Do you refer to this page regularly? If so, I'd welcome your direct comments on how this does or does not answer your scripting needs. Please email the FAQ author so I can improve the FAQ in this area.
This is not in any way official documentation. The information below has been derived using the PDF supplied with the scripting extras and by study of the Portfolio Type Library (TLB) in Visual Basic's Object Browser.
Important Notes on listing below:
Class Document [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Document :-
Property Count As Long
Property Gallery(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property LastError As Long
Property Visible As Boolean (broken as at v6.01)
Function GetActive() As String
Function GetGalleryIndexFromName(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Function New(Path As String) As Integer
Function NewCatalogWithPrompt() As Integer
Function Open(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenByUserName(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServer(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerByUserName(sPath As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerWithPrompt(sAddress As String) As Integer
Function OpenWithPrompt(sPath As String) As Integer
Function SetActive(GalleryName As String) As Integer (Broken as of v7.0 - returns error 27 - not updated for v7+ gallery functional redesign)
Catalogue level-based access modes:
1 = Reader
2 = Editor
3 = Publisher
4 = Administrator
Class Gallery [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Gallery :-
Property AdvancedOptions As Object
Property AllRecords As Object
Property Busy As Long
Property CatalogName As String
Property Count As Long
Property GalleryName As String
Property NumFound As Long
Property SelectedRecords As Object
Property TotalRecordsInCatalog As Long
Function Activate() As Integer
[Function AddFiles(pDataObj As Unknown) As Boolean (For use by client's context menu - not supported for scripting)]
[Function AddRecord(szFile As String, szJPEGThumbnailFile As String, nThumbSize As Integer, nThumbQuality As Integer) As Object (Prototype included in error into the TLB - do not use)]
Function Catalog(Path As String, IncludeDirs As Boolean, bUserSettings as Long)) As Boolean
Function CatalogUsingOptionPreset(Path As String, PresetName as String, IncludeDirs As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Close() As Integer
Function CollectFiles(szFileCollectFolder As String, bKeepHierarchy As Boolean, bCollectOriginals As Boolean, nPreviewSizeInPixels As Integer, bOrigIfNoPreview As Boolean, bCreateArchiveCatalog As Boolean, szCatalogPath As String, szVolumeName As String, bOverwriteExistingCatalog As Boolean, bIncludeBrowser As Boolean, bIncludeUserGuide As Boolean) As Integer
Function CreateCustomField(szFieldName As String, nFieldType As Integer, bMultiValued As Boolean, nFieldOption As Integer, szAdminPassword As String) As Boolean
Function CreateCustomFieldPreDef(szFieldName As String, nFieldType As Integer, bMultiValued As Boolean, nFieldOption As Integer, bFromListOnly As Boolean, szFieldValueList As String, szAdminPassword As String) As Boolean (Note that the FieldValueList argument only accepts strings of single words. Keywords including spaces will be parsed as 2 or more individual keywords.)
Function CreatePlaceholder(strFileName As String, strOptionalPath As String) As Long
Function DeleteRecord(RID As Long, bDeleteFromCatalog As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Find(SearchString As String, AllRecords As Boolean, SetNewGallery As Boolean) As Integer
Function GetRecordFromRecordID(RecordID As Long) As Object
Function ImportFieldValues(Path As String, SavedSet As String) As Boolean
Sub RefreshView()
Function Save() As Integer (Broken as of v7.0 - returns error 24 - not updated for v7+ gallery functional redesign)
Function SaveAs(sNewName As String) As Integer (Broken as of v7.0 - returns error 24 - not updated for v7+ gallery functional redesign)
Function SelectAll() As Integer
Function Sort(FieldName As String, Direction As Boolean) As Boolean
Class Records [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Records :-
Property Count As Long
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Record [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Record :-
Property Count As Long
Property Field(FieldName As String) As Object [read-only]
Property Fields(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property IsSelected As Boolean
Property RecordID As Long
Function Delete(bDeleteFromCatalog As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Deselect() As Boolean
Sub EnsureVisible()
Function ExtractProperties() as Boolean
Function GetThumbnailData() as Boolean
Function RegenerateThumbnail() As Integer
Function Select() As Boolean
Function Update() as Boolean
Class Selection [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Selection :-
Property Count As Long [default]
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class AdvancedOptions [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Options :-
Property AppendDescription As Integer
Property ExtractMetaData As Boolean
Property ExtractThumbnail As Boolean
Property MergeKeywords As Integer
Property ParseKeywords As Integer
Property PathKeywords As Integer
Property SkipFiles As Boolean
Property ThumbnailSize As Integer
ParseKeywords mode:
0 = No parsing of Keyword phrases
1 = Parse Keyword Phrases
MergeKeywords mode:
0 = Replace
1 = Merge
ParseKeywords mode:
0 = None
1 = File Name
2 = File and Folder Name
3 = Path Name
4 = Path Name and Volume
ThumbnailSize mode:
0 = 112x112
1 = 256x256
Class Field [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Field :-
Property IsCustom As Boolean
Property IsIndexed As Boolean
Property IsMultiValue As Boolean
Property IsPredefined As Boolean
Property IsURL As Boolean
Property MVDataCount As Long
Property Name As String
Property Type As Integer
Property Value As String
Function DeleteData() As Boolean
Function DeleteMVData(Value As String) As Boolean
Function GetMVData(nIndex As Long) As String
Function GetPredefinedValue(index As Integer) As String
Function GetPredefinedValueCount() As Integer
Function GetPredefinedValueList() As String
Values reported by Portfolio.Field.Type:
0 = String or Text Block
1 = Integer
2 = Decimal
3 = Date/Time
4 = URL
(Note 'Thumbnail' reports -4960, 'Custom Thumbnail' reports -5104, 'Alias Mac' reports -5536)
A list of the field names of built-in fields is here as is list of the TLB's built-in error codes is here.
Important Notes on listing below:
Class Document [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Document :-
Property Count As Long
Property Gallery(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property LastError As Long
Property Visible As Boolean (broken as at v6.01)
Function GetActive() As String
Function GetGalleryIndexFromName(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Function New(Path As String) As Integer
Function NewCatalogWithPrompt() As Integer
Function Open(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenByUserName(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServer(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerByUserName(sPath As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerWithPrompt(sAddress As String) As Integer
Function OpenWithPrompt(sPath As String) As Integer
Function SetActive(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Catalogue level-based access modes:
1 = Reader
2 = Editor
3 = Publisher
4 = Administrator
Class Gallery [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Gallery :-
Property AllRecords As Object
Property Busy As Long
Property CatalogName As String
Property Count As Long
Property GalleryName As String
Property NumFound As Long
Property Options As Object
Property SelectedRecords As Object
Property TotalRecordsInCatalog As Long
Function Activate() As Integer
Function AddFiles(pDataObj As Unknown) As Boolean (For use by client's context menu - not supported for scripting)
Function AddRecord(szFile As String, szJPEGThumbnailFile As String, nThumbSize As Integer, nThumbQuality As Integer) As Object (Prototype included in error into the TLB - do not use)
Function Catalog(Path As String, IncludeDirs As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Close() As Integer
Function CollectFiles(szDestinationFolder As String, bKeepHierarchy As Boolean) As Integer
Function CreateArchiveCatalog(szNewCatalog As String, bOverwriteExistingCatalog As Boolean, szFileCollectFolder As String, bKeepHierarchy As Boolean, bIncludeBrowser As Boolean, bIncludeUserGuide As Boolean) As Integer
Function CreateCustomField(szFieldName As String, nFieldType As Integer, bMultiValued As Boolean, nFieldOption As Integer, szAdminPassword As String) As Boolean
Function CreateCustomFieldPreDef(szFieldName As String, nFieldType As Integer, bMultiValued As Boolean, nFieldOption As Integer, bFromListOnly As Boolean, szFieldValueList As String, szAdminPassword As String) As Boolean (Note that the FieldValueList argument only accepts strings of single words. Keywords including spaces will be parsed as 2 or more individual keywords.)
Function CreateFieldMapping(szMappingName As String, nCode As Long, szFieldName As String, bActive As Boolean, bReplace As Boolean) As Boolean
Function CreatePlaceholder(strFileName As String, strOptionalPath As String) As Long
Function DeleteFieldMapping(szMappingName As String) As Boolean
Function DeleteRecord(RID As Long, bDeleteFromCatalog As Boolean) As Boolean
Function EnableFieldMapping(szExistingMappingName As String, szCustomFieldName As String, bActive As Boolean, bReplace As Boolean) As Boolean
Function ExportHTML(HTMLPath As String, HTMLName As String, SavedSetName As String) As Integer
Function ExportHTMLTemplate(szTemplateName As String, szTargetFilePath As String) As Boolean
Function Find(SearchString As String, AllRecords As Boolean, SetNewGallery As Boolean) As Integer
Function ImportFieldValues(Path As String, SavedSet As String) As Boolean
Function ImportHTMLTemplate(szNewTemplateName As String, szSourceFilePath As String, nRows As Integer, nCols As Integer, bOverwrite As Long) As Boolean (Note that the bOverwrite as Long should read bOverwrite as Boolean.)
Sub RefreshView()
Function Save() As Integer
Function SaveAs(sNewName As String) As Integer
Function SelectAll() As Integer
Function Sort(FieldName As String, Direction As Boolean) As Boolean
Class Records [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Records :-
Property Count As Long
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Record [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Record :-
Property Count As Long
Property Field(FieldName As String) As Object [read-only]
Property Fields(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property IsSelected As Boolean
Property RecordID As Long
Function Delete(bDeleteFromCatalog As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Deselect() As Boolean
Sub EnsureVisible()
Function RegenerateThumbnail() As Integer
Function Select() As Boolean
Class Selection [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Selection :-
Property Count As Long [default]
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Options [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Options :-
Property AppendDescription As Integer
Property ExtractDescription As Boolean
Property ExtractKeywords As Boolean
Property ExtractThumbnail As Boolean
Property MergeKeywords As Integer
[Property ModifyMethod As Integer] (v5 only - should have been deleted)
Property ParseKeywords As Integer
Property PathKeywords As Integer
Property SkipFiles As Boolean
Property ThumbnailQuality As Integer
Property ThumbnailSize As Integer
Description mode:
0 = Replace
1 = Append
Keyword mode:
0 = Replace
1 = Merge
ParseKeyword mode:
0 = None
1 = File Name
2 = File and Folder Name
3 = Path Name
4 = Path Name and Volume
ThumbnailQuality mode:
0 = High
1 = Medium
2 = Low
ThumbnailSize mode:
0 = 112x112
1 = 256x256
Class BatchOptions [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.BatchOptions :-
Property AssignPropsDuringCataloging As Boolean
Property CopyMoveDuringCataloging as Boolean
Property CopyMovePath as String
Property CopyOriginalFiles as Boolean
Property Description as String
Property MoveOriginalFiles As Boolean
Property RenameDuringCataloging As Boolean
Property ShowOptionsDialog As Boolean
Function AddCustomFieldValue(strFieldName As String, strValue As String) As Boolean
Function AddKeyword(strKeyword As String) As Boolean
Function GetKeywordList() As String
Sub RemoveAllFieldValues()
Function RemoveAllKeywords() As Boolean
Function RemoveCustomFieldValue(strFieldName As String) As Boolean
Function RemoveKeyword(strKeyword As String) As Boolean
Function SetCopyMoveDestPath(strDestPath As String) As Boolean
Function SetKeywordList(strCommaList As String) As Boolean (Note that the FieldValueList argument only accepts strings of single words. Keywords including spaces will be parsed as 2 or more individual keywords.)
Function SetRenameEnd(intType As Integer, strValue As String) As Boolean
Function SetRenameFront(intType As Integer, strValue As String) As Boolean
Function SetRenameMiddle(intType As Integer, strValue As String) As Boolean
Rename Type Options:
0 = <none> (Value parameter is ignored)
1 = Text
2 = Number From (Value parameter must be all number characters, i.e. 0-9)
3 = Original Filename (Value parameter is ignored)
Class Field [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Field :-
Property IsCustom As Boolean
Property IsIndexed As Boolean
Property IsMultiValue As Boolean
Property IsPredefined As Boolean
Property IsURL As Boolean
Property MVDataCount As Long
Property Name As String
Property Type As Integer
Property Value As String
Function DeleteData() As Boolean
Function DeleteMVData(Value As String) As Boolean
Function GetMVData(nIndex As Long) As String
Function GetPredefinedValue(index As Integer) As String
Function GetPredefinedValueCount() As Integer
Function GetPredefinedValueList() As String
Values reported by Portfolio.Field.Type:
0 = String or Text Block
1 = Integer
2 = Decimal
3 = Date/Time
4 = URL
(Note 'Thumbnail' reports -4960, 'Custom Thumbnail' reports -5104, 'Alias Mac' reports -5536)
A list of the field names of built-in fields is here as is list of the TLB's built-in error codes is here.
Important Notes on listing below:
Class Document [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Document :-
Property Count As Long
Property Gallery(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property LastError As Long
Property Visible As Boolean (broken as at v6.01)
Function GetActive() As String
Function GetGalleryIndexFromName(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Function New(Path As String) As Integer
Function NewCatalogWithPrompt() As Integer
Function Open(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenByUserName(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServer(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerByUserName(sPath As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerWithPrompt(sAddress As String) As Integer
Function OpenWithPrompt(sPath As String) As Integer
Function SetActive(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Catalogue level-based access modes:
1 = Reader
2 = Editor
3 = Publisher
4 = Administrator
Class Gallery [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Gallery :-
Property AllRecords As Object
Property Busy As Long
Property CatalogName As String
Property Count As Long
Property GalleryName As String
Property NumFound As Long
Property Options As Object
Property SelectedRecords As Object
Function Activate() As Integer
Function AddFiles(pDataObj As Unknown) As Boolean (For use by client's context menu - not supported for scripting)
Function AddRecord(szFile As String, szJPEGThumbnailFile As String, nThumbSize As Integer, nThumbQuality As Integer) As Object (Prototype included in error into the TLB - do not use)
Function Catalog(Path As String, IncludeDirs As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Close() As Integer
Function CollectFiles(szDestinationFolder As String, bKeepHierarchy As Boolean) As Integer
Function CreateArchiveCatalog(szNewCatalog As String, bOverwriteExistingCatalog As Boolean, szFileCollectFolder As String, bKeepHierarchy As Boolean, bIncludeBrowser As Boolean, bIncludeUserGuide As Boolean) As Integer(Note as at v6.01, CreateArchiveCatalog is completely broken due to an acknowledged bug -with no workaround. Due to be fixed in v6.02 - if there is one).
Function CreateCustomField(szFieldName As String, nFieldType As Integer, bMultiValued As Boolean, nFieldOption As Integer, szAdminPassword As String) As Boolean
Function CreateCustomFieldPreDef(szFieldName As String, nFieldType As Integer, bMultiValued As Boolean, nFieldOption As Integer, bFromListOnly As Boolean, szFieldValueList As String, szAdminPassword As String) As Boolean (Note that the FieldValueList argument only accepts strings of single words. Keywords including spaces will be parsed as 2 or more individual keywords.)
Function CreateFieldMapping(szMappingName As String, nCode As Long, szFieldName As String, bActive As Boolean, bReplace As Boolean) As Boolean
Function DeleteFieldMapping(szMappingName As String) As Boolean
Function DeleteRecord(RID As Long, bDeleteFromCatalog As Boolean) As Boolean
Function EnableFieldMapping(szExistingMappingName As String, szCustomFieldName As String, bActive As Boolean, bReplace As Boolean) As Boolean
Function ExportHTML(HTMLPath As String, HTMLName As String, SavedSetName As String) As Integer
Function ExportHTMLTemplate(szTemplateName As String, szTargetFilePath As String) As Boolean
Function Find(SearchString As String, AllRecords As Boolean, SetNewGallery As Boolean) As Integer
Function ImportFieldValues(Path As String, SavedSet As String) As Boolean
Function ImportHTMLTemplate(szNewTemplateName As String, szSourceFilePath As String, nRows As Integer, nCols As Integer, bOverwrite As Long) As Boolean (Note that the bOverwrite as Long should read bOverwrite as Boolean.)
Sub RefreshView()
Function Save() As Integer
Function SaveAs(sNewName As String) As Integer
Function SelectAll() As Integer
Function Sort(FieldName As String, Direction As Boolean) As Boolean
Class Records [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Records :-
Property Count As Long
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Record [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Record :-
Property Count As Long
Property Field(FieldName As String) As Object [read-only]
Property Fields(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property IsSelected As Boolean
Property RecordID As Long
Function Delete(bDeleteFromCatalog As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Deselect() As Boolean
Sub EnsureVisible()
Function RegenerateThumbnail() As Integer
Function Select() As Boolean
Class Selection [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Selection :-
Property Count As Long [default]
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Options [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Options :-
Property AppendDescription As Integer
Property ExtractDescription As Boolean
Property ExtractKeywords As Boolean
Property ExtractThumbnail As Boolean
Property MergeKeywords As Integer
[Property ModifyMethod As Integer] (v5 only - should have been deleted)
Property ParseKeywords As Integer
Property PathKeywords As Integer
Property SkipFiles As Boolean
Property ThumbnailQuality As Integer
Property ThumbnailSize As Integer
Description mode:
0 = Replace
1 = Append
Keyword mode:
0 = Replace
1 = Merge
ParseKeyword mode:
0 = None
1 = File Name
2 = File and Folder Name
3 = Path Name
4 = Path Name and Volume
ThumbnailQuality mode:
0 = High
1 = Medium
2 = Low
ThumbnailSize mode:
0 = 112x112
1 = 256x256
Class Field [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Field :-
Property IsCustom As Boolean
Property IsIndexed As Boolean
Property IsMultiValue As Boolean
Property IsPredefined As Boolean
Property IsURL As Boolean
Property MVDataCount As Long
Property Name As String
Property Type As Integer
Property Value As String
Function DeleteData() As Boolean
Function DeleteMVData(Value As String) As Boolean
Function GetMVData(nIndex As Long) As String
Function GetPredefinedValue(index As Integer) As String
Function GetPredefinedValueCount() As Integer
Function GetPredefinedValueList() As String
Values reported by Portfolio.Field.Type:
0 = String or Text Block
1 = Integer
2 = Decimal
3 = Date/Time
4 = URL
(Note 'Thumbnail' reports -4960, 'Custom Thumbnail' reports -5104, 'Alias Mac' reports -5536)
A list of the field names of built-in fields is here as is list of the TLB's built-in error codes is here.
Important Notes on listing below:
Class Document [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Document :-
Property Count As Long
Property Gallery(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property LastError As Long
Function GetActive() As String
Function GetGalleryIndexFromName(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Function New(Path As String) As Integer
Function Open(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenByUserName(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer [v5 TLB only]
Function OpenServer(Path As String, AccessMode As Integer, Password As String) As Integer
Function OpenServerByUserName(sPath As String, AccessMode As Integer, UserName As String, Password As String) As Integer [v5 TLB only]
Function SetActive(GalleryName As String) As Integer
Catalogue Access modes:
1 = Reader
2 = Editor
3 = Publisher
4 = Administrator
Class Gallery [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Gallery :-
Property AllRecords As Object
Property Busy As Long
Property CatalogName As String
Property Count As Long
Property GalleryName As String
Property NumFound As Long
Property Options As Object
Property SelectedRecords As Object
Function Activate() As Integer
Function Catalog(Path As String, IncludeDirs As Boolean) As Boolean
Function Close() As Integer
Function ExportHTML(HTMLPath As String, HTMLName As String, SavedSetName As String) As Integer
Function Find(SearchString As String, AllRecords As Boolean, SetNewGallery As Boolean) As Integer
Function ImportFieldValues(Path As String, SavedSet As String) As Boolean
Function Save() As Integer [v5 TLB only]
Function SaveAs(sNewName As String) As Integer [v5 TLB only]
Function SelectAll() As Integer
Function Sort(FieldName As String, Direction As Boolean) As Boolean
Class Records [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Records :-
Property Count As Long [default]
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Record [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Record :-
Property Count As Long [default]
Property Field(FieldName As String) As Object [read-only]
Property Fields(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Property index As Long [note Property name has lowercase initial letter]
Property IsSelected As Boolean
Property RecordID As Long
Function Deselect() As Boolean
Sub EnsureVisible()
Function Select() As Boolean
Class Selection [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Selection :-
Property Count As Long [default]
Property Records(nIndex As Long) As Object [read-only]
Function GalleryCopy(nGalleryIndex As Long) As Integer
Class Options [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Options :-
Property AddExtractDescription As Boolean
Property AddExtractKeywords As Boolean
Property AddExtractThumbnail As Boolean
Property AddSkipFiles As Boolean
Property ModifyMethod As Integer [default]
Property ParseKeywords As Integer
Property PathKeywords As Integer
Property ThumbnailQuality As Integer
Property ThumbnailSize As Integer
Property UpdateAppendDescription As Integer
Property UpdateExtractDescription As Integer
Property UpdateExtractKeywords As Integer
Property UpdateExtractThumbnail As Integer
Property UpdateMergeKeywords As Integer
Property UpdateThumbnail As Integer
ModifyMethod modes:
0 - Add
1 - Update
2 - Add and Update
3 - Add Unconditionally
4 - Update Unconditionally
PathKeywords modes:
0 - None
1 - File Name
2 - File and Folder Name
3 - Path Name
4 - Path Name and Volume
ThumbnailQuality modes:
0 - High
1 - Medium
2 - Low
ThumbnailSize modes:
0 - 112 x 112
1 - 256 x 256
Class Field [Member of Portfolio]
Members of Portfolio.Field :-
Property IsCustom As Boolean
Property IsIndexed As Boolean
Property IsMultiValue As Boolean
Property IsPredefined As Boolean
Property IsURL As Boolean
Property MVDataCount As Long
Property Name As String
Property Type As Integer
Property Value As String
Function DeleteData() As Boolean
Function DeleteMVData(Value As String) As Boolean
Function GetMVData(nIndex As Long) As String
Function GetPredefinedValue(index As Integer) As String
Function GetPredefinedValueCount() As Integer
Function GetPredefinedValueList() As String
Values reported by Portfolio.Field.Type:
0 = String or Text Block
1 = Integer
2 = Decimal
3 = Date/Time
4 = URL
(Note 'Thumbnail' reports -4960, 'Custom Thumbnail' reports -5104, 'Alias Mac' reports -5536)
A list of the field names of built-in fields is here as is list of the TLB's built-in error codes is here.
Question: Portfolio VB Type Library's members described (versions 8/7/6/5/4) [FAQ00015.htm]
Last Update:- 27 September 2006
Site and articles © Mark Anderson 2001-2007 - Visit my home page