How do I find what version number of Portfolio I am using?
Version 8.5
The client version number is shown in the client's 'About' dialog for both Mac and Win clients. Bizarrely, this info isn't on Server and NP admin dialogs. For these products you'll need to examine the app's properties (or Get Info on Mac). Version 8.5 minimum is required for Windows OS Vista, v8.5.1 for Leopard compatabilty.
IMPORTANT: client serial codes are no longer cross-platform - there are different code types for Mac vs Win clients. Known versions for 8.5 are:
- Portfolio 8.5
- Portfolio 8.5 client (Win): v8.5
- Portfolio 8.5 client (Mac): v8.5
- Portfolio 8.5 Browser (all OSs): as for client versions
- Portfolio 8.5 Server (Win): v8.5
- Portfolio 8.5 Server (Mac): v8.5
- Portfolio 8.5 SQL Connect Oracle/SQLServer (Win only): now part of Server install (but separate licence)
- Portfolio 8.5 SQL Connect MySQL (Win): now part of Server install (but separate licence)
- Portfolio 8.5 SQL Connect MySQL (Mac): now part of Server install (but separate licence)
- Portfolio 8.5 NetPublish (Win): v8.5 (Server or 5-user - same install but different licence)
- Portfolio 8.5 NetPublish (Mac): v8.5 (Server or 5-user - same install butdifferent licence)
Version 8
The client version number is shown in the client's 'About' dialog for both Mac and Win clients. For Server and NP products you'll need to examine the app's properties (or Get Info on Mac). Version 8.1x minimum is required for Intel Macs and OS 10.4 Tiger.
Version 8.1.x client install in an 'Extensis Portfolio 8.1' folder. Known versions for 8 are:
- Portfolio 8
- Portfolio 8 client (Win): v8.0, v8.1.1
- Portfolio 8 client (Mac): v8.0, v8.1, v8.1.1
- Portfolio 8 Browser (all OSs): as for client versions
- Portfolio 8 Server (Win): v8.0, v.8.1
- Portfolio 8 Server (Mac): v8.0, v8.1, v8.1.1
- Portfolio 8 SQL Connect Oracle/SQLServer (Win only): now part of Server install (but separate licence)
- Portfolio 8 SQL Connect MySQL (Win): now part of Server install (but separate licence)
- Portfolio 8 SQL Connect MySQL (Mac): now part of Server install (but separate licence)
- Portfolio 8 NetPublish (Win): v8.0, v8.1 (Server vs. 5-user - same install but different licence)
- Portfolio 8 NetPublish (Mac): v8.0, v8.1, v8.1.1 (Server vs. 5-user - same install butdifferent licence)
Version 7
At last in version 7, the version number is shown in the client's 'About' dialog for both Mac and Win clients. For Server and NP products you'll need to examine the app's properties (or Get Info on Mac). SQLConnect has no versioned files as far as can be found. Known versions for 7 are:
- Portfolio 7
- Portfolio 7 client (Win): v7.0.0, v7.0.1, v7.0.4, v7.0.6
- Portfolio 7 client (Mac): v7.0.0, v7.0.1, v7.0.4, v7.0.6
- Portfolio 7 Browser (all OSs): as for client versions
- Portfolio 7 Server (Win): v7.0.0, v7.0.4, v7.0.6
- Portfolio 7 Server (Mac): v7.0.0, v7.0.4, v7.0.6
- Portfolio 7 SQL Connect Oracle/SQLServer/MSDE (Win only): v7.0
- Portfolio 7 SQL Connect MySQL (Win): v7.0.4
- Portfolio 7 SQL Connect MySQL (Mac): v7.0.4, v7.0.6
- Portfolio 7 NetPublish (Win): v7.0, v7.0.4
- Portfolio 7 NetPublish (Mac): v7.0.0, v7.0.4, v7.0.6
- Portfolio 7 NetPublish Server (Win): v7.0.0, v7.0.4
- Portfolio 7 NetPublish Server (Mac): v7.0.0, v7.0.4, v7.0.6
Version 6
This is less easy than you might imagine as whilst the Major version number (6.) is shown in the Help -> About dialog and elsewhere, the Minor version number (.01) is not. Unfortunately you need both to tell if you are running the current version.
To find the full version number in Windows:
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Navigate to folder C:\Program Files\Extensis\Portfolio 6.0\ - or wherever you installed Portfolio.
- Find Portfolio.exe and right-click the icon.
- From the pop-up menu choose 'Properties'.
- On the Properties dialog, click the 'Version' tab.
- Note the number shown next to the label 'File Version', e.g. = v6.01
- You now have the version number.
- If necessary repeat for PortWeb, Server and other products. Check for the right application folder - Portfolio Express is in the client app's folder and SQL Connect in the Server app's folder.
- You may now close the dialog and Windows Explorer
To find the full version number in Mac:
- Open Finder.
- Navigate to the Extensis Portfolio folder in your Application folder (OSX or OS9 (as appropriate).
- Find the icon "Extensis Portfolio 6" (OS9) or "Extensis Portfolio 6.1" (OSX) and Ctrl-click or right-click the icon.
- From the pop-up menu choose 'Get Info'.
- Look for the 'Version' version info.
- You now have the version number.
- If necessary repeat for PortWeb, Server and other products. Check for the right application folder - Portfolio Express is in the client app's folder and SQL Connect in the Server app's folder.
- You may now close the dialog and Finder windows.
Mac OSX users can also see the version number on the "About Portfolio" dialog. The version number is tacked on after the "Extensis Inc." in the middle of the dialog without a space or anything (a programming mistake, I suspect). Thus a v6.1.2 user would see "Extensis Inc.6.1.2" on their "About Portfolio" dialog.
Judging by the v6.1 experience, the penny has dropped. Hopefully in the next version this information will be displayed correctly in the 'About' dialog for all the OSs supported as in most other commercial apps. Known versions are:
- Portfolio 6
- Portfolio 6 client (Win): v6.00, v6.01, v6.02, v6.03
- Portfolio 6 client (Mac OS9): v6.0.0, v6.0.1
- Portfolio 6 client (Mac OSX): v6.1, v6.1.1, v6.1.2
- Portfolio 6 Browser (all OSs): as for client versions
- PortWeb: v6.0, v6.01
- Portfolio 6 Server (Win, Mac OS9): v6.0, v6.01
- Portfolio 6 Server (Win, Mac OS9): v6.1
- Portfolio 6 SQL Connect (Win only): v6.0
- Portfolio 5
- Portfolio 5 Desktop: v5.02
- Portfolio 5 Network (and 'old' Portfolio full program): v5.01 (Win), v5.02 (Mac)*
- Portfolio 5 Browser: v5.01
- PortWeb: v5.01*
- Portfolio 5 Server: v5.01*
- Portfolio 5 SQL Connect: v5.0
* Note that you should use the same version number of different components if using and combination client/PortWeb/Server, i.e. all v5.0 or all v5.01. The release of the Mac v5.02 client breaks cross-component numbering coherence and you are advised to use it with v5.01 versions of the other components.
Question: How do I find what version number of Portfolio I am using? [FAQ00091.htm]
Last Update:- 21 January 2008