Other materials which can be downloaded for use with Portfolio are:
If you didn't get or have lost the paper version of the Portfolio Manual, you can download it in PDF form. PDF requires Acrobat or Acrobat reader to view it. If you have the full Acrobat program, the PDF's security settings allow annotations so you can mark it up with your notes, corrections and errata just like the paper version.
The Quick Start Guide covers using the Browser version (it is also included in the Browser download. The Browser shares its interface with the main program so the Guide fine as a quick guide to the basic functions.
Watermarking Guide. This covers the use of Digimarc 'watermarking' software. Note that as of later v6 updates support for Digimarc has been dropped (apparently there are very few users!).
Scripting Extras. Network clients can be 'scripted' using AppleScript for the Mac OS or Visual Basic for the Windows OS. The Scripting extras are available both on the installation CD and from the download site, though the latter is more liable to be up to date. There is a separate compressed archive download for each OS. The archive contains both compiled script (EXE file) and the source code for the scripts. If scripts were not installed originally, download the archive and copy the EXE files to the 'Scripts' sub folder of your Portfolio program folder. When a Catalogue is open, if scripts are in the Scripts sub-folder a new Scripts menu will appear. Use this menu to pick your script for use.
Portfolio Browser. This is available with Portfolio Network & Server. It functions like a Desktop or network version in terms of its user interface but can only access Catalogues in user mode. The Browser (separate Mac & Windows OS versions) will also work when running from an appropriately formatted CD (HFS for Mac, ISO+Joliet for Windows).
Question: Miscellaneous extras [FAQ00016.htm]
Last Update:- 01 June 2006
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