PortWeb's Collections - a Shopping Cart?

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Manual: v5- Pages 261-265 (Collections), v6 PortWeb manual Pages 21-26 (Collections)

Does PortWeb have a 'shopping cart'? Yes, it the Collections feature.

So does PortWeb do e-commerce? Partly! Using suitable templates, PortWeb, will allow visitors to find images (or other Record info) in response to queries. Users, again by use of templates, my create their own Collections based on their chosen set of found items. These Collections, specific to the user provide the 'shopping cart'. Collections use cookies to identify the user and can be set be the PortWeb administrator to persist for a variable number of days.

Those seeking a full shop with secure card transactions and delivery of packaged images (e.g. Zipped or re-purposed) will require to add those additional features themselves. The project will involve a broad range of skills (not necessarily all those below):

As can be seen, the step from internal use of Portfolio Catalogues to shared web use may involve skills you do not possess in-house. If you are planning an externally accessible e-commerce site using PortWeb, you will do well to have a clear idea of exactly what you wish the site to do before hiring any assistance - or indeed, starting an internal project.

Question: PortWeb's Collections - a Shopping Cart? [FAQ00069.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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