Relocating files after moving originals.

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Manual: p61-62(v7), p54-5(v6), p121-4(v5)

Scenario: Portfolio cannot find your files since you moved everything to a new partition.

Whilst you can indicate to Portfolio the new location of an image on a file-by-file basis (Item -> Original -> Link to new file), if you have many images to update you need a more robust method. This is where the drag-update technique comes in. Select the 'missing' files or their folder(s) and Crtl+drag (windows) or Alt+drag (Mac) them onto to the catalogue window. If you've correctly used the modifier key, you'll be asked if you want to update these items - otherwise the items are added as new items - so take care. This method is only available as a drag-drop and not via any of the client's menus.

An easy way to re-link your source files to your Catalogue's thumbnails is to drop your entire folder(s) of source images into your open Catalogue window. This will bring up the 'Cataloging Options' dialogue, where you should select either Update or Update Unconditionally as the Modify Method and then uncheck all of the options on the update tab before hitting 'OK'. Portfolio will examine each of the source files in the folder and attempt to link them back up with the appropriate thumbnail based on matching the thumbnail filename.

An alternative where there is a change common to all the image paths is to use the Change Path scripts (not available to Desktop users).

If you are making a CD then see the specific notes on that topic.

Question: Relocating files after moving originals. [FAQ00057.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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