Extensis Portfolio Server 8.1
Portfolio Server 8.1.1 (Mac OS X)
Portfolio Server 8.1 (Windows)
Release Notes
August 2006

Thank you for purchasing Extensis Portfolio Server! This version of Portfolio Server adds new functionality as well as ensures the maximum level of compatibility with modern operating systems.

Extensis Portfolio Server 8

Installation notes
System Requirements

These are the minimum system requirements, and are designed for a small creative workgroup with modest sized files. Your implementation may require a more powerful system.

Portfolio Server Windows

  • Windows 2000 Server or Server 2003
  • Server class processor (1 GHz or faster recommended)
  • 512MB of physical RAM (1GB recommended)
  • 100MB of free hard disk space
  • Network interface for client connect
  • Quicktime 6.5 or higher
 SQL Connect Windows
  • 1GB of physical RAM
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4), Oracle 9i or 10g, MySQL 4.1.12 or 4.1.13
  • TCP/IP Services Installed
  • ODBC drivers appropriate for connecting to the SQL Server. Oracle ODBC drivers are required for an Oracle implementation. The following drivers were tested with Portfolio Server 8 and SQL Connect: 
MyODBC 3.51.11, 3.51.12
  • Use newer ODBC drivers at your own risk.
Portfolio Server Macintosh
  • Mac OS X (10.4.4 or higher)
  • 1GHz or faster G4, G5 or Intel Core processor(s)
  • 512MB RAM
  • 200MB of free hard disk space
  • QuickTime 7 or higher
  • Network interface for client connection
  • Appropriate stoage, backup, power management and network bandwidth
  • SQL Connect Macintosh
  • 1GB of physical RAM
  • MySQL 4.1.12 or 4.1.13
  • A custom ODBC driver is required to effecitely run Portfolio SQL Connect with MySQL on Mac OS X. Extensis has extensively tested the following custom drivers with Portfolio Server 8 and SQL Connect: 
Extensis ODBC driver for MySQL on a PowerPC-based system.
Extensis Universal Application binary for Portfolio Server 8.1 on Intel-based systems. Both of these drivers are available directly from Extensis Priority Support. For support contact information, see Annual Service Agreement (ASA).

Use newer or alternate ODBC drivers at your own risk.

Installing Portfolio Server

To install Portfolio Server, double click the installer icon and allow the installer to guide you.

The Portfolio Server application has no interface itself; access to Server features is handled through the Portfolio client application software. On Windows, you must be logged in with Administrative privileges to effectively install Portfolio Server. On Windows 2000 and Server 2003, the account that is running the Portfolio Server service must be logged in with Power User or Administrative privileges on the local machine. This is required so that Portfolio clients can access and administer Portfolio Server. If you are using a harware or software firewall, you will need to open port 2903 for Portfolio Server communication. 

For complete installation and setup details, see the Portfolio Server User Guide that came in the box, and is also located on your product CD.

Installing Portfolio SQL Connect

Portfolio SQL Connect is automatically installed by the Portfolio Server Installer. Please see the Portfolio Server User Guide for configuration details.

Installed Files 

Files are installed to the directory chosen during installation. The default install locations are:
  Windows - <system disk>:\Program Files\Extensis\Portfolio Server 8.
  Mac - <system Applications folder>/Extensis Portfolio Server 8.

The following files are installed in addition to those found in thePortfolio application folder.

/Library/Application Support/Extensis/Portfolio..

Previous Versions

It is recommended that you uninstall any earlier version of Portfolio Server before installing Portfolio Server 8

What's new in Portfolio 8.1.1

InDesign CS2 filter

Portfolio 8.1.1 can now preview Adobe InDesign CS2 documents that contain embedded preview images. To enable this feature, in the InDesign Preferences dialog box, in the File Handling area, enable the "Always Save Preview Images with Documents" option and choose a preview size.  When InDesign files are added to a Portfolio catalog, the first page of your document will be used for the document's thumbnail and preview image.

What's new in Portfolio 8.0
Many user-requested enhancements have been included in this version of Portfolio Server. The following categories describe the most important of these.
Universal application This release of Portfolio Server 8 is a universal application able to run on both PowerPC and Intel based systems.

AutoSync Upgrades — Saved cataloging options presets can now be applied to specific AutoSync folders. This allows you to customize how files are cataloged in each folder. For example, one folder could be used to catalog all items for Project A, while another is used for Project B. Each project may need specific keywords and custom fields, and with Portfolio Server, specific cataloging options presets can be created to fill the needs of each folder and project.

AutoSync Path Translation — Portfolio now automatically translates network paths of AutoSync folders to the local server location for cataloging and imaging tasks. 

Known issues
The following issues are known, but have not yet been addressed in this version of Portfolio. The list is intended to cite the most serious problems known. It is not an exhaustive list of all known problems.

ID Description
25001 If you perform a multi-catalog find with a Server based catalog, the filenames are sometimes missing from the items that are displayed.
23934 Manipulating galleries that are on MS-SQL catalogs can be very slow from a Macintosh client yet fast on a Windows client. This difference in interaction speed can enable a Windows client to access and modify a gallery that a Macintosh client has recently made Private. If a Windows client changes a gallery to Public/Read-only that a Macintosh client has very recently changed to Private, the gallery will diassapear on the Windows client Gallery pane once the Macintosh client's Gallery type modification is completed.
A Adobe Version Cue is incompatible with Portfolio SQL Connect and will likely cause serious errors. Do not install Version Cue and MySQL on the same physical machine.

Fixed issues
The following reported problems have been fixed for this release of Portfolio. The list is intended to cite the most serious fixes known. It is not an exhaustive list of all fixed problems.

Fixed in Portfolio 8.1.1

ID Description
When running Portfolio in Mac OS X v10.4.7, images with certain color modes no longer have a yellow cast to the thumbnail and preview images. 

Fixed in Portfolio 8.0

ID Description
11928 When connected to a Portfolio Server, you are now notified when you no longer have access to a served catalog.
Improved AutoSync performance, stability as well as support for high ASCII characters. Cross platform filename differences between Macintosh and Windows Servers have also been improved. 
13525 On a Macintosh, if you select the catolog option "Index Document Text" and then add an AutoSync folder the Portfolio Server no longer closes unexpectedly.
16169 Keywords that are greater than 10 characters in length can now be added and used as expected in catalogs served by SQL.
16362 Portfolio catalogs served by SQL now open quickly, even when the catalogs contain a large number of galleries.
20472 On Macintosh-based Portfolio Servers, when an item is updated with an external editor, that item's thumbnail is now automatically updated by AutoSync.
21383 AutoSync folders now index PDF document text.
22170 In a Portfolio catalog served by SQL, you can now create a background cataloging task.
For catalogs served in by Oracle, Cataloging Options can now be saved.
25985 Opening a catalog served by MySQL that contains a gallery with a large amount of items now opens more quickly.
26851 Items added to a catalog by AutoSync now display local time rather than GMT.
A Items added to an AutoSync folder that are copied or moved by cataloging options are now cataloged only once and contain complete metadata.

Contacting Extensis
To reach us for technical support or general questions please use the following method:
Web/email:  http://www.extensis.com/support/

If you have an annual service agreement, you are entitled to priority support. Please use the contact information on your service agreement.

For customer service please use one of the following methods:
Web/email: http://www.extensis.com/customerservice/

 © 2006 Extensis, a division of Celartem, Inc. This document and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved.