Extensis Portfolio NetPublish 8.1
Release Notes
July 2006

Thank you for purchasing Portfolio NetPublish! This version of Portfolio adds new functionality as well as ensures the maximum level of compatibility with modern operating systems.

Extensis Portfolio NetPublish 8.0

Installation notes
The Portfolio NetPublish client is installed automatically with the Portfolio client. This installer is used to install the NetPublish Server portion that works in conjunction with your web server.
System Requirements
  • Windows Windows XP Professional, 2000 Server or 2003 Server
  • 1 GHz Pentium (2 GHz or faster recommended)
  • 256MB of physical RAM (512 recommended)
  • 50MB of free hard disk space - Additional disk space is required to store sites created with NetPublish as well as cache files.
  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 5 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, or Netscape 7.0 or higher
  • Mac OS X Server 10.4.4 or higher
  • 1GHz or faster G4, G5 or Intel Core processor(s)
  • 512MB RAM 
  • 200MB of free hard disk space - Additional disk space is required to store sites created with NetPublish as well as cache files.
  • QuickTime 7 or higher
  • Apache 1.3 (default installation)
  • Internet Explorer 5.2.3 or higher, Mozilla Firefox v.1.0.4 or higher, or Safari 1.3 or higher
Installing Portfolio NetPublish Server — In addition to the Portfolio client installation, you must also install Portfolio NetPublish Server on your web server. Before running the NetPublish Server installer, you must first properly set up your server environment.

In a Windows server environment, Microsoft IIS must be installed. Check your Windows documentation and help files for installation instructions.

In a Macintosh server environment, Apache 1.3 must be installed. This should have been automatically installed by default with the operating system.

  1. Double-click to launch the installer.
  2. Navigate through the beginning steps of the installer. Accept the end-user license and choose an install location. To function properly, Portfolio NetPublish must be installed in the default location.
  3. In Windows, click Finish, and on a Mac click Quit.
  4. After installing NetPublish server, if you have a firewall through which you want the server to communicate, make sure to open the port you designated in the NetPublish installer.

Files are installed to the directory chosen during installation. The default install locations are:
  Windows - <system disk>:\Program Files\Extensis\Portfolio NetPublish.
  Mac - <system Applications folder>/Extensis/Portfolio NetPublish.

The following files are installed in addition to those found in thePortfolio application folder.


/Library/StartItems/Portfolio NetPublish 8/...

Previous Versions — Portfolio NetPublish can be installed directly on top of previous versions of Portfolio NetPublish.

What's new
Many user-requested enhancements have been included in this version of Portfolio NetPublish. The following categories describe the most important of these.
Universal application This release of Portfolio Netpublish is a universal application able to run on both PowerPC and Intel based systems.

Publish a Single Gallery — Previously, NetPublish required you to publish an entire catalog to the web. This release allows you to further refine what is published to a single gallery, or smart gallery. You can effectively publish a folder by using the new convert to smart gallery contextual menu item.

NetPublish Logging — NetPublish now keeps log files that can be analyzed to understand site traffic, which assets are being viewed and downloaded, and which search terms are being submitted. 

Fixed issues
The following reported problems have been fixed for this release of Portfolio. The list is intended to cite the most serious fixes known. It is not an exhaustive list of all fixed problems.

Fixed in Portfolio 8.1
ID Description
A Removed ability to create a .SIT archive with NetPublish. We now use the method of creating .ZIP files through the OS.
B Items added via AutoSync now will appear in sites published from Smart Galleries.
25978 When publishing items from a catalog that has been converted from Portfolio 7 to Portfolio 8, you can now publish directly from galleries. 

Fixed in Portfolio 8.0
16606 Once a web site is published with the use of any global site options, returning to these options to remove any of them no longer causes either the Publish button to become inoperative or the Portfolio Client to unexpectedly close.
20763 On a Macintosh running the 10.3.8 operating system, trying to download an archive file from a NetPublish site no longer causes the NetPublish Server to unexpectedly close.
23730 If you try to use the NetPublish Original command with a range of item identifiers that is just below the first item ID in your catalog, the NetPublish Server no longer unexpectedly stops running.
23736 If a NetPublish URL string is improper, such as the 'value' parameter that is not followed by "=ItemID", or being either mispelled or missing, the NetPublish Server no longer unexpectedly stops running.
11727 If you perform a search on a NetPublish site that has multiple catalogs, you will now get all of the expected results.
A It is not possible to access files inside or outside of the NetPublish folder using a transverse attack.
B The stability of the collection.cdb database has been improved.

Known issues
The following issues are known, but have not yet been addressed in this version of Portfolio. The list is intended to cite the most serious problems known. It is not an exhaustive list of all known problems.

ID Description
16307 Performing a search of a NetPublish site that has multiple search fields will not yield the expected results if you use the "And" operator in your seach.

Contacting Extensis
To reach us for technical support or general questions please use the following method:
Web/email:  http://www.extensis.com/support/

If you have an annual service agreement, you are entitled to priority support. Please use the contact information on your service agreement.

For customer service please use one of the following methods:
Web/email: http://www.extensis.com/customerservice/

 © 2006 Extensis, a division of Celartem, Inc. This document and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved.