Extensis Portfolio Project Sync for Adobe CS3 for Microsoft Windows
Version 1.0.1
Release Notes
January 2008

Thank you for purchasing Portfolio Project Sync! Portfolio Project Sync is an innovative technology that enables a connection between Portfolio Server and Version Cue Server. Server. It is through this connection that Adobe Creative Suite users are able to tap into the powerful asset sharing and archiving capabilities of Portfolio Server, all without ever opening a Portfolio catalog.

Extensis Portfolio Project Sync

Installation notes
System Requirements
  • Server System Requirements
  • Adobe Version Cue Server 3.1.1 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or Server 2003 SP2
  • Portfolio Server 8.5.1
The Adobe Version Cue Server need not be installed on the same server as the Portfolio Server. However, for best performance, it is recommended that they be on the same machine. When Portfolio Server is installed on the same machine as the Adobe Version Cue server, the more processing power, RAM and disk speed available, the better.

End-User System Requirements

Adobe Version Cue Client 3.1.1 or higher
Adobe Creative Suite with Bridge 2.1.1 or higher

All end users must connect to Portfolio Project Sync projects with Adobe CS3 applications. Previous versions of Creative Suite applications are not supported.

Due to the design of Version Cue and Bridge, it’s important to note that as files are used, the files are cached on the end user’s system. This can require a significant amount of hard drive space depending upon the number and size of files being accessed.

Installing Portfolio Project Sync

Installing Portfolio Project Sync is a multi-step process involving the installation of multiple pieces of server software. The following is a list of general steps involved to install Project Sync. For a complete, detailed set of instructions, see the Portfolio Project Sync User Guide.
  1. Install Version Cue Server
  2. Install Portfolio Project Sync
  3. Update Version Cue settings and restart the Version Cue Server
  4. Install Portfolio Server
  5. Install Portfolio client
  6. Create a new served catalog
  7. Create at least one AutoSync watch folder
  8. Configure Portfolio and Version Cue users
  9. Configure Portfolio Project Sync

Fixed issues
The following reported problems have been fixed for this release of Portfolio Project Sync. The list is intended to cite the most serious fixes known. It is not an exhaustive list of all fixed problems.

Fixed in Project Sync 1.0.1

ID Description
A Users can now apply and edit metadata via the Adobe Bridge Metadata Panel, Metadata Templates and File Info dialog box.
31341 The speed of applying keywords to items stored in a Portfolio catalog served from an SQL database was dramatically improved.
31388 Fixed an issue that prevented users from logging in to a Portfolio project when the Permit Portfolio Users Only option is enabled.
31398 Fixed an issue that would result in an error dialog for users with Editor or Reader users who were attempting to delete items.
31417 Fixed an issue that had allowed Editor and Reader level users to edit and apply metadata. This action is now prevented at the Editor and Reader level.
31422 Applying or updating a keyword in Adobe Bridge now accurately represented in the Portfolio catalog.
Updated permissions issues for Editor and Reader level users.

Known issues
The following issues are known, but have not yet been addressed in this version of Portfolio Project Sync. The list is intended to cite the most serious problems known. It is not an exhaustive list of all known problems.

ID Description
When attempting to delete multiple items from a Portfolio catalog through Adobe Bridge, you may be presented with multiple warning dialog boxes reminding you to use the contextual menu to delete files in Adobe Bridge.
29749 It is not currently possible to copy assets from one Project Sync Project into another Project Sync Project that requires different login settings than the source project. 

Contacting Extensis
To reach us for technical support or general questions please use the following method:
Web/email:  http://www.extensis.com/support/

If you have an annual service agreement, you are entitled to priority support. Please use the contact information on your service agreement.

For customer service please use one of the following methods:
Web/email: http://www.extensis.com/customerservice/

 © 2008 Extensis, a division of Celartem, Inc. This document and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved.

01/15/2008 DK