Configuring an OS X client-server set-up
Manual: v8 (pp3-8)
In the following article the abbreviation PS is used for Portfolio Server. The article was written for the FAQ by Shoantel Ltd for v8.1.1+ Portfolio components and server/client OS 10.4.8 but should hold true for OS 10.3.9+ and v7.0.4+ though v7 users will need to read the notes re SMB. Portfolio/SQL Connect is not addressed here but the basic steps are the same, up to the point of accessing the SQL-specific functions.
- On the server create a share to hold all your originals and screen previews (or use a separate share for previews - your choice). If you've no content/data ready for the share, place a few test images on the originals section for testing purposes - you can always weed them before production starts. Suggestion for a single share is 'LIBRARY' with subfolders /originals/ (or /content/) and /screen_previews/. If using 2 shares, 'LIBRARY' and 'PREVIEWS' are suggested share names.
- These shares should always be mounted by clients as '//servername/sharename/'. (See notes 1 & 2).
- Note server computer's network name and IP (you'll need this later).
- Install & serialise Portfolio client on the server (helps with set-up/admin of PS).
- Install Portfolio Server app on the server. (See note 3)
- Open the server app folder and run the Launcher applet. Confirm it reports the Portfolio Server app as running, if not click the Launcher dialog's start button. Once PS is running you can close the Launcher applet.
- Open the client on the server. Select File ->administer server. Click the add server button.
- In the next dialog, fill in both boxes. The top box is a screen name for this PS installation - call it what you like. The bottom is the machine name (if you've DNS) or failing that the IP address. Whether you use name or IP is a matter of taste and/or other LAN considerations. Save the data by clicking OK. A file with the screen name of the server is saved in the client's /servers/ folder - save a copy of this file for when you set up the other clients.
- Click the new PS listed on the Server Admin dialog and click Admin. If the IP/name or some LAN config is wrong you'll need to resolve that before continuing. If the server is accessed OK, you'll be asked to set an admin password. Note that name - there's no way to reset this so if you lose it you'll need to reinstall PS.
- Click 'serialize' and set the PS serial code (don't forget, or after 30 days the server will run but won't serve any more - until you realise and serialise it).
- Now make your first served catalogue - to check the system. Still in the PS admin dialog of the client, click 'New'. Watch the wait cursor for a bit while the FDB file is created/configured, after which you'll see a blank catalogue window open in the client (see notes 4 & 5).
- Install and serialise Portfolio client locally on all desktops - use the client 'server' address file you saved earlier to speed configuring server access on each client. There's no package installer, so you'll need to use ARD or visit each desktop to install the client.
- On each desktop, configure your Portfolio content shares as auto-mounts. Remember to use the '//servername/sharename/' form of address for consistent path creation. Once the shares are mounted - for Tiger only - drag the mount to the dock to make the share(s) auto mount at start-up and also make sure the share is easily accessible to users (e.g. for drag/drop addition of new files, etc.).
- On one or more remote clients add a test image or two from the share to check it is added correctly.
- If using Auto Sync, watch the content share root folder. From v8.0 onwards, Portfolio auto detects the local path is a share (no SMB needed!) and asks which path you with to use - select the share name path. Check the Sync function works as expected. You can validate the watched folder is AutoSync because the root folder icon in the FS pane is green. If the icon in blue on a brown base, you've set up a Folder Sync watched folder by mistake (or as Portfolio best guess as to your intent because the config doesn't allow AS and you need to debug.
- If using NPS and/or SQL Connect continue on to configure these.
- Register your PS and client codes on the Extensis website to ensure your access to free updates.
- You system is not installed and basic validation is complete. Time to start adding you production data, catalogues, etc.
Install Portfolio client locally on all 15 clients
- If you're your PS server is running desktop OS, to make shares take a look at SharePoints from (free/donationware).
- AFP vs. SMB. Apple's AppleTalk (AFP) has a significant missing feature insofar as a Mac OS X server (or desktop) can't view it's own shares except as local paths - i.e. with not computer name in the path, thus '/sharename/' and not '//servername/sharename/'. SMB mounts can resolve this problem, but care should be taken to mount them in the form '//servername/sharename/' to ensure consistent paths for all users. Need for SMB mounts affects the following Portfolio client/server actions. Although IP, protocol or share-based names will resolve as the same for accessing paths, Portfolio stores then verbatim and this will cause AutoSync not to match items already catalogued via a different path, resulting in duplicates. Think carefully about your shares names/mounts at outset and you should avoid in-use problems over path mis-matches.
- (v7 & v8). Cataloguing using a client on the server -for example to do initial cataloguing before setting up AutoSync for the content share (AS/FS should not be set for large content set until after initial cataloguing
- (v7 & v8). Using NetPublish Server (NPS) on the same server as PS. NPS will need the originals/previews accessible via SMB mounts.
- (v7 AutoSync). PS can't resolve local shares as UNC paths
- If you used a very locked-down system, set the OS to allow PS to listen on Port #2903 (this action isn't normally necessary - it's already allowed). PS listens on that Port for calls from clients and all communication is TCP/IP - no new protocols needed.
- Note that catalogues created this way don't open in admin mode - so you'll need to switch to Administrator access if you need to access the custom fields dialog, etc. Be aware that if you do the latter, served catalogues in Admin mode as not listed in the client's Connect to Server dialog’s listing of available catalogue. They become visible again on reverting to Publisher or lower access level. This can catch you out until you're familiar with the issue.
- Unlike the client, there is not user-accessible default settings plists for catalogue's created via the Server Admin 'New' button - your get the default and must edit from there. For complex configurations consider creating the catalogue via a client and placing the finished catalogue in the PS /Catalogs/ folder and then serving it.
Keywords (to assist indexing/searching):
Question: Configuring an OS X client-server set-up [FAQ00388.htm]
Last Update:- 05 February 2007