portfolio: Events unique to Portfolio
Class advanced cataloging options: Advanced cataloging options for a catalog.
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
skip files without thumbnails boolean -- Whether to skip files lacking thumbnails during cataloging.
movie thumbnail mode poster_frame/time/frame_number -- The method of generating thumbnails for movies.
thumbnail size size256/size112 -- The pixel size of the thumbnails that are generated.
frame number integer -- The frame number to use when generating movie thumbnails (for "video thumbnail by frame number" setting).
movie time integer -- The movie time (in seconds) to use when generating movie thumbnails (for "video thumbnail by movie time" setting).
extract thumbnail boolean -- Whether to extract thumbnail from source file when possible.
extract metadata boolean -- Whether to extract advanced metadata during cataloging.
path keywords off/path and volume/file without folder/file and folder name/path without volume -- The method for creating keywords based on file name and relevant folder names.
index document text boolean -- Extract text from supported documents for use with Find Document Text feature.
Class application: The Portfolio application object.
Plural form:
window by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test, by ID
document by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> application [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
Class cataloging options: Basic cataloging options (either default user options, or saved option presets from the catalog).
Plural form:
cataloging options presets
field by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test, by ID
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
copy or move moveValue/copyValue/neitherValue -- Whether to copy, move, or leave in place during cataloging.
assign properties boolean -- Whether to assign properties (keywords, description) during cataloging.
rename before cataloging boolean -- Whether files should be renamed before they are cataloged.
description Unicode text -- The description to apply to cataloged items.
rename settings file rename settings -- Settings indicating how files should be renamed during cataloging.
Class document: A Portfolio catalog.
Plural form:
gallery by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
cataloging options by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
<Inheritance> document [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
advanced_options advanced cataloging options -- The document's advanced cataloging options.
selected gallery gallery -- The currently selected gallery.
user_options cataloging options -- The user's default cataloging options.
current_options cataloging options -- The currently active cataloging options (may be the user options or one of the presets).
Class field: A field in a record.
Plural form:
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
custom boolean [r/o] -- If true, field is a custom field.
name Unicode text [r/o] -- Name of the field.
ID integer [r/o] -- Unique ID for a custom field.
value Unicode text -- Value of the field (as a string).
Class file rename settings: Settings to apply when renaming files during cataloging.
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
middle text Unicode text -- The text or value used in renaming the middle part of the new name.
middle mode original/textRename/number from/none -- Rename mode for the middle portion of the new name.
front text Unicode text -- The text or value used in renaming the front part of the new name.
end mode original/textRename/number from/none -- Rename mode for the end portion of the new name.
front mode original/textRename/number from/none -- Rename mode for the front portion of the new name.
end text Unicode text -- The text or value used in renaming the end of the new name.
Class gallery: A gallery.
Plural form:
record by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test, by ID
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
is modified boolean [r/o] --
view integer --
selection record [r/o] -- The selected items.
name Unicode text [r/o] -- The title of the gallery.
Class record: An item in a catalog or gallery.
Plural form:
field by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test, by ID
<Inheritance> item [r/o] -- All of the properties of the superclass.
height integer -- The height (in pixels) of the source file.
last updated date -- The date the source file was last updated in Portfolio.
width integer -- The width (in pixels) of the source file.
number of pages integer -- The number of pages the cataloged item contains.
filename Unicode text -- The name of the source file.
file volume Unicode text -- Name of the volume where the source file is stored.
file type mac Unicode text -- The four-character Macintosh file type of the source file.
category list -- The list of category IDs assigned to the record.
created date -- The date the source file was created.
name Unicode text [r/o] -- The name of the record (same as the file name).
vertical resolution real -- The vertical resolution (in DPI) of the source file.
watermark url Unicode text -- The watermark url.
file size integer -- The size of the file (in kilobytes).
short file name win Unicode text -- The 16-bit (DOS) file name of the source file.
placeholder integer -- 1 if the record is a place holder record and zero if not.
zone mac Unicode text -- The name of the AppleTalk zone in which the file is located.
color mode integer -- The color mode of the source file, stored as an integer.
description Unicode text -- The record's description.
horizontal resolution real -- The horizontal resolution (in DPI) of the source file.
watermarked integer -- 0 - Digimarc ID Unknown, 1 - Digimarc ID not detected, 2 - Digimarc ID detected.
file path Unicode text -- The full path to the source file.
cataloged date -- The date the record was created (source file was cataloged) in Portfolio.
ID integer [r/o] -- Unique ID of a record.
keywords list -- A list of keywords for the record.
last modified date -- The date the source file was modified.
thumbnailsize integer -- The size of the thumbnail stored in the record (either 0, 32, 64, 112, or 256).
thumbnail anything -- The file's thumbnail image.
creator mac Unicode text -- The four-character creator code of the source file.
extension Unicode text -- The extension (suffix) of the filename.
directory path Unicode text [r/o] -- Full path to the parent directory of the source file.
catalog: (application) Tell Portfolio to catalog a file.
catalog Unicode text -- The file or folder to be cataloged.
[action nothing/select_catalog/new_catalog/open_local/open_served/open_sql] -- An additional action code (optional).
[to gallery anything] -- The gallery to which the items should be added. If omitted, items are added to the frontmost gallery window.
[to catalog Unicode text] -- The path to the catalog file to which the items should be added. If omitted, items are added to the frontmost gallery window.
[show options boolean] -- Whether to show cataloging options dialog during cataloging.
Result: 'ctlg' -- the reply for the command
collect: (gallery) Collect and back up a gallery's records.
collect reference -- the object for the command
[preserve file hierarchy boolean] -- Whether to preserve the file hierarchy in the collection. Default is no.
[selected items only boolean] -- Whether to collect only the currently selected items. Default is no.
[using preview mode size 480/size 256/original size/size 1024/size 640/use originals] -- Which preview mode to use. Default is original size.
to location Unicode text -- The destination directory for the collected files. Must be an extant directory.
[create mac browser boolean] -- Whether to create a Mac browser app. Default is no.
[create archive catalog Unicode text] -- Path and filename of the catalog to create. If this parameter is not used, a catalog will not be created.
[create windows browser boolean] -- Whether to create a Windows browser app. Default is no.
create web pages: (document) Create web page(s) of the current selection of the frontmost gallery.
create web pages
debug test: Prints a statement to the log or console showing that this command was received.
debug test reference -- the object for the command
display: (gallery, record) Tell an object to display itself.
display reference -- the object for the command
export field values: (gallery) Export field values from a Portolio Database to a text file.
export field values reference -- the object for the command
[using template list] -- The names of record fields to be exported.
toFile Unicode text -- The destination (including file name) for the text file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
find: (document)Conduct a search of a Portfolio catalog.
find reference -- the object for the command
matching list -- An array of search criteria.
gallery copy: (application)copy records from one gallery of a catalog to another.
gallery copy anything -- The set of records to copy.
to gallery -- The destination gallery for the copy.
import field values: (gallery) Import field values from a text file into a Portfolio catalog.
import field values reference -- the object for the command
from Unicode text -- The path of the file to import.
[using Unicode text] -- The name of the saved import set to use.
is cataloging: (application) Check whether Portfolio is currently cataloging files.
is cataloging reference -- the object for the command
Result: 'ISCA' -- the reply for the command
make catalog: (application) Create a new Portfolio catalog.
make catalog
with previews boolean -- Whether the new catalog should generate screen-resolution previews for images.
make custom field: (document) Make a new Custom Field. Requires administration access level.
make custom field reference -- the object for the command
[restrict to predefined list boolean] -- Whether or not to restrict the field's values to the values of the predefined list. Only defined for fields with predefined lists.
with name Unicode text -- Name for the custom field.
[allow multiple entries boolean] -- Whether or not to allow multiple entries. Not defined for fields of WebURLType and Text BlockType.
[precision integer] -- The precision of a decimal field. Legal values are 0 to 8. Only defined for fields of type DecimalType.
[use predefined list list] -- A list of strings to use as a predefined list for the field.
[max chars integer] -- The max size of a text field.
[display time boolean] -- Whether or not to display the time for a date. Only defined for fields of DateTimeType.
of type TextType/WebURLType/DateTimeType/NumberType/DecimalType/TextBlockType -- Which type.
make gallery: (document) Create a new gallery.
make gallery reference -- the object for the command
with name Unicode text -- Name of new gallery
make record: (document) Create a new, empty record in the front Gallery.
make record reference -- the object for the command
with name Unicode text -- The name to assign to the new record.
Result: 'RcID' -- the reply for the command
open catalog: (application) Open a catalog.
open catalog Unicode text -- The path to the catalog.
[using mode browser/editor/publisher/reader/administrator] -- The access mode to use when opening the catalog.
[with username Unicode text] -- The user's name for the catalog.
[with password Unicode text] -- The user's password for the catalog.
open server: (application) Open a Portfolio catalog residing on a Portfolio Server.
open server Unicode text -- The server address, in the form of "portfolio://ip-address/catalog-name" for regular served catalogs, or "portfoliosql://ip-address/catalog-name" from SQL-served catalogs.
[using mode publisher/editor/reader] -- The access mode to use when opening the catalog. If not supplied, Reader Mode is used.
[with username Unicode text] -- The username for access to the served catalog.
[with password Unicode text] -- The user's password for access to the served catalog.
remove selection: (gallery) Remove selected items from the gallery.
remove selection reference -- the object for the command
[from catalog boolean] -- Removes record from catalog as well as gallery
select: (anything) Select one or more objects.
select anything -- The object(s) to select.
serve catalog: (application) Serve a catalog.
serve catalog reference -- the object for the command
ip address Unicode text -- The IP address for the catalog to serve.
[autoserve integer] --
using name Unicode text -- The partial path of the catalog to serve.
serve sqlcatalog: (application) Serve a SQL catalog.
serve sqlcatalog reference -- the object for the command
[password Unicode text] -- The user's password.
ip address Unicode text -- The IP address for the catalog to serve.
[autoserve integer] --
using name Unicode text -- The partial path of the catalog to serve.
user Unicode text -- The user name for the connection.
sql server name Unicode text -- The SQL server name.
sort: (gallery) Sort records in the gallery view.
sort reference -- the object for the command
by Unicode text -- The name of the field to sort by.
[order descending/ascending] --
unselect all: (gallery) Unselect all records.
unselect all reference -- the object for the command
unserve catalog: (application) Stop serving a catalog.
unserve catalog reference -- the object for the command
ip address Unicode text -- The IP address for the catalog to unserve.
using name Unicode text -- The partial path of the catalog to unserve.
timeout integer -- The number of seconds to wait before forcing users off.
Question: Portfolio v7.0.4 AppleScript Library listing [FAQ00367.htm]
Last Update:- 01 June 2006
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