PortWeb - is Portfolio server needed?

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PortWeb - do you need Portfolio Server?
Well, although PortWeb is not formally supported, ask Extensis and they'll say yes. Before dismissing this as a cynical way of selling product, do consider the options.

Stand-alone PortWeb
There is no doubt that there a plenty of happy users of PortWeb as a stand alone function with just PortWeb and a catalogue. In this mode you should treat the catalogue as stand alone. Don't try and access it via the client whilst it is being served - like as not you may upset the service. The implication of this is that:

PortWeb with Portfolio Server
Portfolio server's main role is to act as a gatekeeper between the demands of multiple clients, assisting with more efficient record locking and the like. As all the web servers are one user there is a limit to the degree Portfolio Server can help here but general consensus is that you should employ Portfolio Server if you can. Some points about this combination:

Portfolio, SQL and the web
If you need more control than PortWeb allows, and have MS-SQLServer or Oracle 8i, consider using Portfolio's SQL Connect module. This will turn your Catalogues into true SQL databases - which then replicate an FDB's internal structure - whilst allow you to use ASP/VBScript or your own COM programs to access your SQL database (i.e. Catalogue), offering greater web control and security. Clearly for smaller users this is not a low cost option. SQLConnect is a little sensitive to changes in IP address and can loose its ability to reserve catalogues if the PortWeb or Portfolio servers change IP numbers (so make sure everything in the chain is re-booted after such a change).

Question: PortWeb - is Portfolio server needed? [FAQ00329.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006

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