Manual: page 116, at top
The HTML Help version of this omits the second sentence of the description, without which the function does not make sense. Even when fully described, despite much testing I cannot make this work as advertised. The following Manual page references also seem to apply:
1. Regardless of the settings in these various places, when a Catalogue is opened, a gallery with all records in thumbnail view in cataloguing date order is open.
2. The advent of saved Gallery options in v5.x made the v4 'Default' gallery obsolete.
3. If *no* saved galleries are set to open at start up and the 'Display Gallery on Open' option on the Catalogue fly out is *not* ticked then *no* Gallery should open when a Catalogue is opened. In fact you get a so called default gallery called 'Untitled'.
4. On reopening a Catalogue with no galleries set to open, the default appears and the 'Display Gallery on Open' has re-checked itself, despite being clear at shut-down.
5. Deselecting 'Display Gallery on Open' selects the 'Keep Gallery open' despite the fact that these are not explicitly linked. (Of course it then goes on to do the opposite of this in operation).
This looks well and truly bust as at v5.01. As I recall the option not to open a Gallery at start-up did work in v4 (via the now defunct advanced tab).
Question: Open Gallery at Start-up vs. Keep Catalog Open (v5) [FAQ00075.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006
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