Manual: v5 - Pages 179-180, v6 - Pages 126-128, v7 - Pages 132-133
Note: the v6.1.x OSX client has a bug which precludes it importing Keywords correctly (and likely other multi-value fields' data) - even from files exported by said client! This is fixed in v7 (Mac). The v6.0.x (OS9) and v6.0.x (Windows) client are unaffected, so if possible use one of these. The other alternative is to use scripting for keyword import.
As there are any number of minor issues that may require you to re-catalogue an image a method for saving and then re-entering data is very important. Re-cataloguing will re-build the built-in field data, but what about all the keywording and custom data you've slaved over? Exporting to text and re-importing is your insurance in these circumstance. This useful feature is not well described in the manual, especially as there are limitations on which fields you may write too.
Of the built-in fields, you may only write data to two of them - Description and Keywords. Despite this, the 'Import Field Values' dialog confusingly lists all the field names including those for which data may not be imported. Note also, in the image below, that the import data file may not have the fields listed in the same order as the receiving Catalogue:
To import data, first you must set a key field, which links existing and imported data set for merging/adding. The only practical default field for this is 'Filename' - indeed in tests I've never managed linkage on any other built-in field. However, you can import with custom field 'keys', though note such a field must be populated for every record with unique values. For example, you could use a script to write each record's RID to a custom field and use that as a key as you know every record has a RID and that it is unique (though with interruptions in the numerical sequence where FDB internal records occur).
When set the 'x' in the middle column should become an '=' sign. Now drag the fields on the left so that those you wish to import from line up with the target Catalogue's field listing. With the fields matched now go through and select the import value in the central column (an arrow symbol.
You can save this mapping, if you are going to be repeating the process, using the 'Saved sets dialog' at the bottom of the main dialog, which saves the mapping in the Catalogue file:
Next time you import go to the drop-down list and click your saved item. N.B. These mappings cannot be exported from the catalogue. The 'Replace Multi-valued Field Data' allows you select whether imported MV field data lists replace or append to existing data. None too intuitive, but this feature can be a real time-saver if you need to re-catalogue existing records in a heavily customised Catalogue.
Question: Importing Field Values [FAQ00034.htm]
Last Update:- 01 June 2006
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