EXIF (Exchangeable Image file Format) is a standard created by Japanese Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA) for the storage of camera and image information within JPEG and TIFF image files. See more on the detail of the format here. Most modern digital cameras now use this standard format to store information in the image files they produce. The information stored can include:
To set up custom mappings for some tags you may need to translate hexadecimal numbers to decimal and the FAQ has provided a simple hex/dec calculator for you.
You should understand that EXIF is an evolving standard. As is all too common with emergent technologies, vendors are constantly adding their own variations - even between different models of their own products! In this context, programs like Portfolio have to play catch up, so do remember to register your software so that you're informed of updates and new filters.
EXIF tends to be created in files of one of three formats- 'Raw', TIFF and JPEG; it is also supported in Photoshop PSD as of v7.x and you should expect support in other formats to grow over time:
Is there a cross-platform EXIF tool? I've only found one - "EXIFutils". This is a command line utility set and so not for the WYSYWIG folk. However, it supports Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac OSX. At present the author is working on adding IPTC support. For Windows-only users check out IMatch - this is a single user window image database. The author has created quite extensive support for RAW file, scripting, EXIF etc. The app is less $50 US and could be a useful tool for a Portfolio admin dealing with digital images and EXIF/IPTC based into. for Mac users the picture is less clear but iView has EXIF/IPTC support and is AppleScriptable; for EXIF write support you'd want the $90 US 'Pro' version.
Question: EXIF data [FAQ00324.htm]
Last Update:- 31 May 2006
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